Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

"That's the last of them," Jamison said as the wagon full of people rode away from the cabin, having paid their last respects to Evelyn McEllis. Two days now their mama had been gone and the brothers were finally able to lay her to rest.

"Guess that means it's time to finish covering the grave," Ian replied as he grabbed a shovel off of the grass and began to move the dirt. Andrew stepped forward and began to help his brother.

Jamison was next to grab a shovel and pitch in and Cavanaugh stood frozen to the ground. It was as if his boots had grown roots and planted themselves a hundred feet in the ground. He couldn't seem to move and he just kept seeing three graves in Virginia and the tiny crosses he had placed over them. Susie, Timothy and Leah. His entire world......

Suddenly the pain was fresh and he was sure he was going to break down into tears right then and there. He wanted to run away and had almost convinced his boots to do so when he felt a hand on his back and realized that Jamison had stopped digging and was standing beside him.

"Come on and help us, Cavanaugh." he said sternly

Cavanaugh glared at his older brother and jerked away from the man, "I don't need you ordering me around." he grumbled and he grabbed a shovel and got busy covering the grave.

Jamison just shook his head, "I just figured it would help you is all."

"I don't need your help, Jamison," Cavanaugh said stubbornly. "I needed it once and you let me down. You better be sure I won't ever need it again."

Andrew looked like he was about to say something but Ian's hand came out and tapped him lightly on the back of the head, "Just work and keep that mouth quiet." he warned. Andrew glared at him but nodded.

"Dammitt, Cav!" Jamison bellowed, "Are you gonna hate me forever because of that? There wasn't a damn thing I could do! Maybe if you'd gotten a better look at the man that shot you then I would have had more to go on...."

Cavanaugh threw his shovel aside, put his hands on his brother's chest and shoved him backward. Hard. "Are you honestly saying it's my fault? You're right I should have gotten a better look at the man who busted up my leg, raped my wife and then mutilated and killed my entire family! But you know what, I was a little busy being unconscious and bleeding out!"

"You won't put your hands on me again, Cavanaugh." Jamison warned, his voice like ice.

Cavanaugh snorted and shoved him again, harder this time, causing his brother to nearly fall, "What the hell are you gonna do about it? Nothing. You're gonna do nothing because that's what you're good at doing."

Jamison swung out and caught Cavanaugh hard in the jaw with his fist, causing Cavanaugh to fly backward and land on his backside in the dirt. As Cavanaugh pushed himself to his feet again, Andrew launched himself at Jamison, "Don't you hit, Cav!" he shouted, catching Jamison in the temple.

Jamison looked as if he were contemplating punching Andrew as well and Ian stepped forward with the shovel held up, "Don't even think about it," he warned.

"You did nothing!" Cav shouted, his voice breaking as emotion rose in his chest. "I told you my wife and children had been murdered and you did nothing. You shrugged your shoulders, said it was 'one of those things' and you rode away."

"Course he did. Big tough Jamison can't do something that might show he cares," Ian stated with a snort.

"I haven't arrested you yet," Jamison shot back to Ian.

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