author's note

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hey frens

I hope you're enjoying this so far. I'm definitely enjoying it

it's interesting cuz the first time I really tried poetry was my book "clouded minds" and that was fun and all but I was stuck in the confines of a storyline

this time I don't have a storyline, so I'm able to do whatever I want basically

and so that's been new for me and it's been fun

it actually makes it a little harder cuz now it almost seems too broad, like there's too many possibilities of what I could write about

but it's a lot of fun and I'm really enjoying it

god, I love poetry

I hope you guys are enjoying my photography too, I thought that'd be a fun addition

lemme know what you think, I'm definitely open to constructive criticism and if there's anything I can improve on, please let me know

I want to be the best writer I can be, so feedback and constructive criticism would be nice

thank you frens, ily vv much

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