Chapter 5

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  I hear the whistle for the Hogwarts express blow. I look at the window and see my Aunt and Uncle wave farewell I return the gesture and turn back to my coach. Inside the coach to my right is Teddy and in front of me is Draco. I look between them and see so much tension. I have no idea what went on between them but they seem to be more in edge with each other. I was deep in thought until I felt a tug on one of my currently brunette locks. I am a metamorphmagus meaning I can change my appearance but when not thinking about my face it stays normal. But I look to my right to see Teddy pulling one of my locks with care. I slap his hand away "keep your hands to yourself." He smiles at this "do I have to?" I look at him with annoyance "it's my hair so yes you must. If you want to tug on someone's hair tug on your own." He looks at me and sticks out his tongue. "But why use mine when I can use yours?" He asks. I punch him in the shoulder several times then turn back to the window. "Oh great here comes the mud blood and Potter and Weasley." Draco spats out a minute later. I turn to look out the coach door. I pull out the daily prophet news paper with the picture of Cedric and Sirius Black on it. Then I lunge over Teddy out to the coach door. "Potter isn't it just sad the Sirius Black wasn't given the dementor's kiss right?" I ask tauntingly. Draco steps up behind me "hey Weaselbe, your father still not getting paid overtime? I could certainly tell at the Yule ball." Ron lunges at Draco but Potter holds him back. I smile until the mudblood Granger opens her mouth to retaliate " well at least his father has a decent job that doesn't involve the killing of innocent people." She turns to me "and Harry's parents were actual role models." Suddenly I am filled with rage I am about to pull out my wand when a calming hand brushes my shoulder and rests on top of my hand. I turn to see Teddy looking at me and shake his head. I stop my attack "your right Granger, Potter's parents are great role models for mudbloods like yourself 6 feet under and not breathing." Hermione freezes and glares at me I returned her glare with and innocent smile and a wave goodbye as I re entered our coach on the train. Teddy looks at us. "I take it you two do this quite often?" "No Draco and Granger do Weasley and Potter are too dumb to actually argue" I respond while grabbing my robes. Teddy smirked "Draco and Granger aye?"

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