Chapter 10: Reunion News

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When you got up you saw Sara’s beauty in front of you. It’s like your eyes were seeing a diamond and you were mesmerized. She looked at you with a smile. You were wondering how you’d break the news to the team that you were leaving. Sara got dressed and you realized that you just had your underwear on. You hoped for the best that no one was around or up. You then think to yourself ‘Well I'm just the biggest idiot in the entire world. I can just teleport to my quarters! What kind of moron am I?'. You teleported in your quarters and got dressed. When you finished you were about to head back to Sara when Ray blocked your path. “Oh. Hey Ray. Last night was an absolute blast right?” you say to him convincingly.

He just stood there with a blank expression which you thought was impossible for Raymond Palmer to do. He then said “You don’t fool me (F/N). I know you and Sara had sex the other night. Gideon told me.” and you look in near horror and say “God dammit Gideon.” Ray then laughs and says “Don’t worry no one’s breaking any bylaws.” You laugh and say “Well that will probably end up being the least shocking news by the end of the day.” He looks at you confused and says “Is Sara pregnant?” and his mouth gaped open. When he said this Sara walked up behind him and punched his shoulder. He quickly turned to her and said “Ow.” in a joking tone. She smiled at you and said to Ray “Make that joke again and I’ll give you more than a punch.” He seemed a bit worried but it quickly faded away. He left awkwardly saying “I might have to drink away this memory.” After Ray left Sara leaned in to kiss you and said “So here’s what I’m planning.” You listen contently at the plan and smile at the end saying “That’ll be interesting for them.”

Later 3rd person view

Everyone was finally up from that insane night of diner and drinks. They all headed to the bridge and we’re wondering where (F/N) and Sara were. They both showed up in costume looking at them all. They were all confused as of to why Sara and (F/N) were wearing their costumes. Little did the team know Sara told Gideon to prep a time jump for Star City 2018. (F/N) said “We got an aberration.” They all looked at you confused and Stein said “Why weren’t we informed of an aberration?” Thankfully Sara had that covered and said “It seems Gideon’s systems were malfunctioning throughout the night and only brought the info through (F/N)’s and my quarters.” Amaya asked “What time period are we going?” (F/N) had that part of the plan covered and said “That only Gideon knows. She said that there was an aberration and nothing else.” They bought it and headed to an unaware Star City of 2018. When they arrived Ray asked “Why are we in Star City? And why does the screen say 2018?”

Then Sara and (F/N) broke the news. (F/N) said “We thought it’d be best to break it to you all like this.” The team looked at you and Mick asked “Break what?” Sara then said “We’re leaving the Legends. We thought it’d be easier to live a life without time travel and worry.” The team looked to be in shock but quickly realized that they were planning on being in a full pledged relationship. Nate then asked a very important question “Who’ll be leader then if you’re gone?” They all looked at Sara and she already figured out her successor and said “What do you say Ray. Ready to be a captain?” He stood up and said “It’d be my honor.” After they told them the news they said goodbye to all of them and grabbed their stuff. They headed off the ship and (F/N) said to the team “It has been an honor being a member of the Legends. Thank you all.” They exited the ship onto a rooftop in the middle of the day and saw the ship disappear in time. (F/N) says “I’m going to miss them. But I’m going to love it here with you.” Sara looked at (him/her) and kissed (him/her). She then said “I wonder how people are going to react to all this.”. (F/N) then says “Let’s just go with it. I mean how hard can it be?”

Later that night Cisco’s POV at S.T.A.R. Labs

Life was great at S.T.A.R. Labs especially at night. It’d been repaired last year from the attack Savitar conducted. We even got Barry back, but I lost a friend on the same day. I was sitting in the basement when the lights began to flicker. Since Barry and Wally were out on patrol I decided to see what was happening. I headed to the generator and saw a person in a cloak with a sword sheathed behind him touching the generator.

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