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Song: Talk Dirty - Jason Derulo (because I like to think that this is Ava's anthem whenever she sleeps with Harry. She becomes this totally different person when they are together. She's no longer reserved but becomes this dirty talking sex goddess. #hava haha!)

| forty-eight | 

“Well look who finally decided to show up for work.” Stevie is sitting at her desk, her feet resting on top of her desk. “You look like shit,” she says with a smirk on her lips. 

Ava looks over at her and gives her a roll of the eyes. “I missed you too.” It wasn’t that she didn’t realize that she looked terrible. She already knew that. During the past two days that she had called in sick, she had consumed an amount of Chinese food that was border line alarming, wore the same sweat pants (that also were stained from a minor mishap with the soy sauce), and hadn’t washed her hair since Friday. She also happened to not shower this morning either. Her hair was pushed up and out of her face and was fastened to the top of her head in a messy bun. She looked down at the boyfriend fit jeans she was wearing and internally cringed at the loose black tee that she borrowed from Harry. It hadn’t help that she was wearing her scuffed up converse. 

In all honestly, Ava didn’t feel up to actually trying. She didn’t care if she had oily hair and smelt like three day old kung pow chicken. Her heart was still breaking at the seams. And quite frankly, she could care less on how she looked appearance wise. The only reason why she even managed to get into a pair of jeans was because Harry had to physically put them on her. 

Her head suddenly began to pound. She quickly brought her fingers to her temple and put pressure to her temples. She took a deep breath; breathe in, breathe out- she continuously repeated to herself. 

“Ava, are you okay?” 

Ava didn’t bother to look up. She was too focused on the jackhammer that was going to town on her skull. “Seriously, what is up with you?” Stevie walked over to where Ava sat and put her hand on top of her knee. She peeked from underneath her eyelashes and gave a loud groan. 

“You know that scene in the Lion King where Mufasa is thrown into the herd of antelopes and they all trample over him and it’s just a complete throbbing mess?” She croaks out, her voice raspy. 


“Well instead of a field, it’s my head, and the antelopes are stomping over my brain.” She takes a sharp inhalant of air and scrunched her eyebrows together. “And my throat feels like the fricken Sahara desert.” 

Stevie walks up from her desk and reaches for her water bottle. “Here, take this.” She replies with a small thank you and takes a long swing from the bottle. Her throat feels revived as the cold liquid slides down her throat. She immediately feels relief course all across her pained body. The headache that was continuously thumping throughout begins to ease as well. 

“God,” she hiccups after she takes another long drink from the bottle. “Who would have thought that all I needed was water to feel remotely better.” 

Stevie holds back a laugh. “Hydration is a friend to all. Glad to be of service.” She takes a seat back at her desk. “Now tell me. Where have you been? I haven’t seen you since your sudden disappearing act at the party.” 

She takes a deep breath through her nostrils at an attempt to calm her racing heart. The events that have been replaying over and over in her head begins to come back. “The party was for Harry.” 

Stevie gasps and her eyes grow large, “Harry? As in ex-boyfriend, sex on two legs Harry?” 

Ava doesn’t even hold back the small giggle that escapes her lips. “Yeah. That Harry.”

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