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You were at a Halloween party...and your best friend dared you to get hypnotized...you never believed in that psycho babble bullshit...so you went up to the wannabe hypnotist...and said you'd volunteer for it...just to prove that it was bogus...the girl tells you to close your eyes and imagine yourself in a large, open, dark room...and the only light you could see was on a screen...on the screen was a picture...but it was distorted and you couldn't make it out...but as you move closer it becomes more visible to you...then the girl said you can finally see the picture...and it is an open door...then she said your mind is now open...and you will be able to see things that you never been able to see or hear before...then she just to prove to your friends that were watching.

She pulled out a small steel rod...and pushed it thru your hand and told you that it wouldn't hurt and there would be no blood...after she inserted it...you told her there was no pain...and it didn't bleed at all...then she slowly counted back 3...2...1...and then she told you once you wake up you wouldn't remember anything...then when you woke up...everyone was shocked at how deep into the trance you were in...and that when she put the steel rod thru your hand it didn't hurt you...or bleed...just because she told you that it wouldn't...after you told them that you didn't believe it...and the party ended...everyone went home except for you and a few friends...thats when very creepy things started to happen...you'd see visions and clips of scary things happening...and voices of people screaming out in pain...then you would see blood pouring...then suddenly it would stop.

At first you thought it was just aftermath of the party and the drinking...but when it kept happening to you after you sobered up...three weeks later...it really began to scare you...you didn't know what to do about it...you went to the lady that hypnotized you and asked her what she did to you...and why it hasn't shut off...she hesitated and said she didn't know what you were talking about...and left...you knew you needed help...but you didn't know who to turn too...until you saw an advertisement...about Criss Angel...and that he was a professional at mentalism...and hypnotizing...you didn't who else to turn too...so you went over to where he was...and in the middle of a conversation he was having you asked him for help...he stopped talking with the others...as you told him what was happened to you...and at first he said it was impossible...that he couldn't help...he wasn't a hypnotherapist...he was just an Illusionist...that hpnotized people just for the effect of his magic.

When Criss saw the look your deep dependence on him...and he said he would give it a try...then he gave you a hug...and told you not to worry about it...but as soon as he made contact with you...he caught a glimpse of what you were seeing and he jerked away quickly and told you that he believed you...and asked you when you wanted to get started...you quickly told him now would be good...Criss told you it had to be undone where it was done to you...so you took him to the Halloween party house...and sat down in the chair where it happened...Criss hypnotized you...but during the session he never let go of your hand...that way he could see everything that you were seeing...and all the things that happened during the process...it took several hours before he found the door that was opened in your mind...and with extreme effort and a lot of energy...he managed to help you close the door...then he broke contact with you first...then slowly woke you up from his trance...and asked you how you felt...you told him that you felt better...and had a deep sense of relief.

Criss told you never to let an amateur play in your head...because the damage could be very fatal...that people could just as easily die in their minds...as they could in reality...you gave him a hug and thanked him for saving you...he kissed you on the cheek and said that was his first experience as a hypnotist healer...and it was quite a riveting experience for him...then he thanked you for sharing it with him...he just added as he left to please not to do it again...because one journey thru that was enough...for anyone's lifetime...three weeks later while Criss was on live feed he talked about his metaphysical vacation that he experienced with a friend...and how totally freaked out it made him...then he winked at the camera and talked to you directly...and said that it was a girl and a moment that he would never forget...

😍CRISS ANGEL IMAGINES😍--BOOK 4!Where stories live. Discover now