Chapter 3

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Harry and Jeff followed Dumbledore, a sense of dread forming in Harry's stomach. The old codger was up to something, he just knew it. He glanced at Jeff and nodded. Jeff nodded in response. They followed the headmaster into the old man's office. Jeff stayed close to Harry, just in case something went wrong. "Now then, my boy, care to explain why you are being sought out by known killers?" Dumbledore asked, the twinkle in his eye. Harry felt a presence in the back of his mind and it wasn't Slenderman. He frowned and threw his shields up and pushed the foreign presence out of his mind. Dumbledore frowned and the twinkle diminished some. Harry scowled. "Professor Dumbledore, You do know it is illegal to cast ligilimens on your students, correct?" Harry asked the old professor. Jeff growled. "I have no idea what your talking about, my boy." Harry snorted. 'Sure...' A cutting curse went flying at Jeff, who barley dodged it, having had his arm cut. Harry watched the blood come out of the wound and he felt himself go numb. Something went slid down his cheek. He turned to look at Dumbledore, fury building up in him. He pulled out his knife and jumped over the desk at the  man. He stabbed the man repeatedly. When Harry finally calmed down, Dumbledore was an unrecognizable mess and Jeff was staring at him weirdly. Harry stood up, something wet was on his cheeks, but he passed it off as the blood from Dumblefuck. "What?" Harry asked. Jeff wordlessly handed him a mirror shard. Harry rolled his eyes and looked in it. He almost dropped the shard. He threw it at Jeff and dashed out the door. 'What? How?! What the fuck!' ran through Harry's mind. He skidded to a halt when Mcgonagal stepped out in front of him. He sighed in frustration. "I dont have time for this!" He exclaimed before ramming his knife into her abdomen and channeling 4,000 volts of electricity into her body. HE let her drop to the ground. He looked at it in disinterest before pulling off his cloak, sweater, and his tie and threw them to the side. He took off again and burst out the front doors of the castle. He ran to where the group was waiting at the edge of the forest. He slid to a halt in front of EJ. "You have five seconds to explain why I have black crap coming out of my eyes like you do." Harry hissed. Everyone stopped dead and stared at the two. EJ was very confused. "I do not know why. The only person who I have shared a bed with was Firecracker. " EJ replied, pulling out a picture of him and a red-haired woman with familiar emerald green eyes. Harry felt his heart stop. Harry glared at the picture before tossing a folded piece of paper at him and turning around and stalking off. EJ stared at it in confusion before kneeling down and picking it up. He unfolded it and he felt his dead heart restart for a second. LJ came over to look and EJ silently handed it over to him. LJ started cackling. "Looks like little Harry is EJ's kid." He explained to everyone. Slenderman came up to EJ. "Go find him. If he is anything like you or Firecracker, Harry can not be left alone for now." Slenderman said, placing a tentacle on his back and pushing him forward. EJ nodded and dashed off.

Jeff approached a few minutes later, followed by a man with greasy hair and long black robes holding a bag. Slender nodded at him. "Hello Potions Master, it's been awhile." Slenderman greeted. "Since Lily's death. Here, Harry will need these. They were made by Lily and placed in my care for when this day came. They are to remove the spells Lily placed on him." Snape said, handing the bag over. Slenderman took it and Snape went back to the castle. Jeff sighed, "So, what the hell was with the black crap coming out of Harry's eyes?" Jeff asked. "Harry is EJ's son!" Exclaimed Ben from beside Sally, who was playing with her Teddy Bear. Jeff's eyes widened before he started cackling. "Oh! This is to good! Hey, Toby! What's your take on this?" Jeff asked the boy. "I-I think it's g-g-good. Harry needs s-s-someone like that in h-h-his life." Toby replied. Jeff nodded. Slenderman cleared his proverbial throat. "Let's go back to the manor. EJ and Hadrian will join us shortly."  and with that, all creepypasta present were teleported back to the manor.

EJ went farther into the forbidden forest, following the direction Harry had ran. He found the younger male in a field surrounded by dead looking horses. "Thestrals...." He breathed in awe. He slowly approached Harry, keeping wary of the undead horses surrounding the field. He sighed and sat down by Harry. "Harry, if I knew your mother was pregnant with you, I'd have never let her walk out that door. All any one knew was that a wizard was after her and she was going into hiding with a friend from school. We shared a bed the night before she went into hiding. She left before I or any one woke up. I loved your mother, Harry. I didn't want her to go into hiding with some stranger. I wanted to protect her myself, from the safety of the manor." EJ told Harry. He nodded in response. "I always thought James Potter was my dad." Harry whispered. "Maybe that's what your mother and he told everyone to protect you." EJ suggested, saying the first thing that came to mind. Harry nodded absent-mindlessly. He sighed and stood up and stretched. "Can we go home now? I'm a little hungry." Harry asked him. EJ stood up and nodded. "Sure, let's go. There should be a portal near by." EJ said, lifting his mask up. His skin was revealed to be a pale grey and what looked to be black blood to be leaking out of black eyes. He gave Harry a soft smile and the two went to go find the portal.

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