Chapter 26

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I had gotten changed into my jeans from before but kept Chris's shirt on. Wyatt had offered to give me one of his shirts, but Wyatt was twice as big as Chris and his shirt was huge on me. Let alone one of Wyatt's.

I needed to find a hairbrush. My brown waves were tangled and knotty. I'm defiantly taking a shower later.

I walked out of what I supposed was my room now and headed to Wyatt's room. He shared a room with Chris.

The door was half open. As I was walking one of my shoe laces came un done. I'll tie it in Wyatt's room.

"Hey Wyatt, do you have a-" I began as I opened the door.

I froze. I stiffened and immediately put my hands over my eyes. Wyatt was standing in his room in only his boxers. But they were really tight boxers.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I was just looking for a hairbrush!" I apologised with my eyes scrunched closed.

I heard him laugh. There was a few ruffles. Then my hands were being pulled away from my eyes.

"It's okay you can open them now." Wyatt said.

I didn't know whether to trust him. So I peeked open an eye and he had put on his jeans. I could deal with him shirtless. I think..

"Anyway your gonna have to get used to it." He said with a grin.

Ugh great.

"Sorry. I needed a brush." I told him again, my cheeks turning flushed and red.

He tossed me a hairbrush and I caught it in my hand. He went into his closet. I sat on one of the beds and tackled my main.

I glanced up at Wyatt and he had his back turned to me. I could see nearly every muscle in his back and shoulders and his skin gleamed in the light. His back was curved and he had cute behind. When he turned to the side I could see the ridges of his abs. They weren't hard core and they weren't pathetic. They were just perfectly toned.

I forced my eyes to look away. I should be ashamed of myself. They are letting me stay here and I'm already hitting on family members?

In a couple of minutes my hair was un knotted. My brown waves fell naturally over my shoulders. I put the brush down as Wyatt came out of his closet.

He looked down at my feet and saw my laces. He laughed to himself and then bent down. He took my foot and started to tie my laces.

"Thank you." I said once he was done.

He smiled. He had chosen a blue long sleeved T-shirt. When he walked I could see his shoulder muscles move through his shirt.

Out of the blue orbs filled the room. They formed the shape of Chris. He looked at me blankly, then turned to Wyatt.

"Do you know where Pandora is?" He asked.

"Nope." Wyatt simply answered.

Chris stood there awkwardly. Before he could take off again I said something.

"Um you can have your shirt back later. I only need it for today." I blurted out.

"Okay." He awkwardly replied.

Wyatt's head was turned to the side.

"You know what Chris, you can help me get Anna's stuff from her friends house." Wyatt suggested turning around.

Chris's eyes darted towards his big brother.

"No, I don't. Besides I'm sure you can handle it." Chris protested.

I was a little hurt. He's the one that saves me, then completely ignores me?

"Oh yes you do. I'm just too lazy to do it by myself. Anyway, you could use the exercise." Wyatt said and slapped Chris on the back.

"Wyatt." Chris warned in a dangerous tone.

Wyatt smiled at him while Chris glared.

"Anna do you want Chris to help?" Wyatt asked me.

Great, involve me in your little spat, i thought.

"Um well I do have a lot of heavy boxes. It would be quicker-"

"Great it's sorted, Chris your coming." Wyatt interrupted me.

I could see the annoyance in Chris's eyes at his big brother and the gleam in Wyatt's. They enjoyed making each other miserable.

Time like these I'm glad I'm an only child..


We all walked down the path to the manor to get to Wyatt's car. Wyatt was walking in front and Chris in the back. And I was sandwhiched in the middle of them.

"Chris you can get in the back." Wyatt called as he opened his car.

"Why?" Chris asked.

"Because Anna needs to give me directions. She can't exactly do that in the back. Besides its rude for guests to go in the back, have some manners." Wyatt replied.

I heard Chris huff. He climbed into the back and the slammed the door.
Wyatt smiled at me. I gently smiled back feeling a little awkward that he just done that to Chris.

"Pop in." He told me.

I climbed into the car and did my belt up. Wyatt got in after.

"I need to make a quick stop first if that's okay." Wyatt said starting the engine.

I smiled and glanced in the rear view mirror. Chris was staring out of the window with a pissed look on his face.

Oh dear, today is going to be fun...

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