Empty Night.

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Derek's POV

"What's the big smile for?" Peter asked as I walked Into the loft, I forget he lived there half the time. "I kissed stiles" I replied in the happiest voice I've had since the fire. "Impressive" Peter had left the room after saying that and I waked into the kitchen.

I never understood why we had a kitchen I mean, we hunted the food we wanted. But more recently I've been buying food stiles likes for when he comes over and he's always content eating the sugary food.

And again my thoughts had drifted to stiles. Why is he the only thing on my mind. That's when I felt empty inside. Like a part of me was missing. That's mates for you. When one isn't around the other one feels empty. I called stiles even though it was now 1:25 am.

"Hello" he picked up in a sleepy voice but I knew he hadn't been asleep. "Hey, van I come over?" I questioned. "Sure. Just when you get here be quiet my dads asleep. Also I have questions to ask you when you get here." He said. "Ok I'll be there in 10,bye" then I hung up. I decided running would be quicker and quieter then taking my car. 10
Minuets later I was outside his house then climbing through his window.

Stiles POV.

Why did I feel so empty the whole time Derek wasn't with me. When he called me asking to come over I decided it would be best to ask him now. I guess it's something to do with the whole mates thing. Then I heard the clambering of him climbing through my window. He got in bed next to me, after stripping to his underwear, and I felt myself smile. Everything was perfect.

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