Chapter 7

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The turtles went back out to patrol further after dropping Elizabeth off at their lair while Peri went to go visit with the Kraang. "Keep your eyes open," Leo instructed as he stood on a ledge. "Shredder's henchmen will be out looking for them."

"Why are we doing this exactly?" Mikey asked, hanging upside down from a water tower's latter.

"Leo wants to see his girlfriend," Raph butted in before his older brother could answer.

"That's not why," Leo muttered. "I'm telling you that they will be out and about, speaking of which," he said, pointing to a van with Tiger Claw at the wheel.

"Let's go!" Mikey exlaimed, hopping onto the roof of the speeding van before Leo could give orders.

The other three turtles followed him; Leo had ordered them to lock up the wheels, causing the van to crash into the brick wall ahead. "Check the cargo and--" Leo was cut off by an agonized voice calling his name. "Karai?" he muttered and moved to the passenger side of the van, seeing Tiger Claw passed out in the driver's seat.

The woman's right leg was crushed between the dash and the seat, a gash traced her cheekbone, another crossed over her forehead, and a large shard of glass was lodged in her abdomen. "You guys really are stupid..." she quips weakly.

"We didn't know you were in here, I'm so sorry," The blue clad turtle replied sincerely, motioning for Donnie to join him. "How could we get her out without causing further harm?"

"We could create a lever to lift the dash and someone could pick her up out of the seat, then we can temporarily help her injuries. Raph, could you get some cloth to stop the bleeding?" Donnie called back to his green eyed brother before wedging his bo staff between the dash and the seat.

With Donnie using his weapon to lift the dash, Leo pulled Karai out and set her carefully on the pavement. The brown eyed turtle suddenly ripped out the piece of glass lodged in her skin,taking the cloth Raph had given him and pressing it to the bleeding wound. "Where were you guys headed at that fast of a speed?" Leo questioned.

"The Kraang turned on one of their allies because Shredder wanted her for her abilities. They probably wanted to suck up to him too," she answered, shooing Donnie away and taking the cloth pressed to her wound.

"Peridot..." The scientist whispered. "Where is she?" he asked Karai.

"Don, we found her!" Mikey exclaimed from behind the van while helping the green haired girl out of the van and untying her bonds.

She rubbed her wrists unconsciously. "They betrayed me," Peridot breathed as Donnie joined her. "How do I know that you guys won't do the same?"

"I promise, we're not like them or Shredder," the purple masked turtle told her, brown eyes meeting with milky blue ones.

"They did that to me just so they could become buddy-buddy with Shredder?" She seethed. tightening her hands into fists.

"Yes, according to Karai."

"Isn't she Saki's daughter?" Peri inquired briefly, casting a glance to the woman with wild hair and makeup.

"No, she's really Splinter's. She was just raised to believe that she was Shredder's. It's a long story," he dismissed.

Peridot nodded. Leo spoke up before anything more could be said between the two. "We should go, she's loosing too much blood." They returned to the lair, fixing Karai's wounds once they were there.


In their patrol the next day, Foot bots had attacked them in swarms. When one went down, two more replaced it. It seemed that the turtles might have to make a sneaky escape when two figures appeared out of nowhere, disassembling bots left and right. The new people were quick and skilled in martial arts. When the fighting ceased, the two people stood across from them, side by side. The shorter one had long brown-black hair with odd, dark colored armor, two swords were sheathed on her back. The other, more taller of the two, had chin-length blonde hair, she too had odd looking armor and two swords strapped to her back. They both wore black masks that covered their noses, mouth, cheeks, and chin. "Who are you?" Leo asked the warriors standing across from them.

"Watashi wa anata ni onaji koto o kiku koto ga dekita, kame," The one with black-brown hair says.

Without waiting for Mikey or Donnie to ask for him or Raph to translate, Leo went on to speak to them. "Eigo o hanasemasu ka?" He asked.

"Yes, so-so," the short one spoke with a heavy Japanese accent.

"Where do your allegiances lay?" The tall blonde woman asks, also having an accent. "You clearly are not with the Foot Clan and you fight like a branch of the Hamato Clan"

"You guessed it right!" Mikey exclaimed.

"We are from a branch of the Hamato Clan too," the shorter one said.

"I am Leonardo, and these are my brothers, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo," he said, gesturing to each of them as he said their name.

The tall blonde stepped forward, bowing her head a bit and removing her mask. "I am Mikazuki Ishikawa."

The shorter brunette did the same. "I am Amaya Suzuki. It is a pleasure meeting your family," she told them politely. "May we accompany you to your home as we have nowhere to live."

"Yes, of course, any ally is welcome," Leo replied.

"Arigato," they both dipped their heads slightly, a respectful gesture.

With that, they followed the blue masked turtles back to the lair. "Were you guys mutated with the mutagen?" Mikazuki suddenly questioned as they trekked through the sewers.

"We were, years ago," Mikey responded. "So, you guys are from Japan? How is it there?"

"Mostly peaceful, besides the occasional Clan quarrel," the blonde recalled.

"Who taught you two how to fight?" the orange masked turtle inquired. "We have only ever had one master."

"We have had many teachers over the years, learning many ways of combat to enhance our chances," the lanky woman replied.

"What brings you two to New York?" Leo asks.

Amaya joins his side, answering to his question. "We followed Oroku Saki. We plan on taking him down, our chances of doing just that have increased since we have allied ourselves with you."

They heard shouting as they approached the lair, the four brothers glancing at each other before hurrying to their home.

~End Chapter~

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What do you think of Amaya and Mikazuki?

Please excuse the translations, they're probably rough because I used google translate and I don't know Japanese...

Translations: Watashi wa anata ni onaji koto o kiku koto ga dekita, kame (I could ask the same, turtles)

Eigo o hanasemasu ka? (Do you speak English?)

Arigato (Thanks)

Chapter by H

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