Saying Goodbye Chapter 2

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Chapter 2


Jasper pulled into the car park of the supermarket. It felt strange to be back here. He spent the last four years travelling round seeing the world. He got out of the car and locked it. Ashe got a trolley and walked in he looked at the people milling in out. Part of him wanted someone to recognise him, notice he was back. But then this was a rather large city and there were a lot of supermarkets, so it was unlikely.

Jasper pushed his trolley down the aisle and he noticed a woman struggling to reach something on the top shelf. As he walked past he reached up and pulled the can off the shelf.

"Here you go" he offered it to her.

"Thank you," she took it and looked up at him, "Jasper!"

He looked down at her. Her once golden hair was now a pale yellow and the texture of straw. Her face was pale and she had dark bags underneath her eyes.


She nodded, "Wow, how are you Jasper?"

"I'm ok. I've just moved back here after travelling for the past few years."

She nodded and smiled. She may look worn out and weary but her smile still dazzled him. For a moment he caught a glimpse of the old beautiful Lucy. Then the moment was broken as a little girl came running around the corner.

"Mummy, I can't find the ice cream!" she pouted.

"Mummy?!" shock ran through jasper. He looked at the girl, she looked about four. She had silky gold hair, tied into bunches, and big beautiful blue eyes. She looked just like a much younger Lucy. For a few seconds he stared into her eyes and then broke contact.

"You slut!" Jasper exclaimed, he couldn't believe it, "you're unbelievable," Jaspers exploded "what is she, three? Four? You must have moved on from me pretty quickly." He turned to walk away, not meeting Lucy's eye.

"Jasper please, i can explain." He could hear the strain in her voice, she grabbed his arm, "It's not what you think." Jasper turned to face her.

"Then what is it Lucy?" he could feel all the old pain and anger rising inside him. Lucy stayed silent and shifted her gaze to the floor."Well?"

"Not here."

"Explain Lucy."

"I can't. Not here."

"Well then I'll stick to my explanation; you are a cheap slut with no heart" Jasper spat the words out."No, I'm not." Jasper could see that the words had stung her. "Come to mine, I'll explain it then. Here's my address." She pulled out a piece of paper and a pen from the bag she was holding and started writing on it.

Jasper couldn't seem to form any words. He knew if he spoke he would probably start shouting and he didn't want to cause a scene in the supermarket. Lucy handed him the piece of paper.

"Please come, I need to explain. It's important." She said seriously. Then she turned and left, grabbing the little girl's hand, who had remained silent during all this, hiding behind her mother. Jasper stared after her until she disappeared round the corner of the aisle.


As Lucy walked away from jasper her heart was pounding. She wanted to turn round, walk up to him and tell him everything, but she kept herself walking forwards. She'd have her chance to explain tonight. She was filled with anticipation and dread, how would she tell him, how?

"Mummy, why was that man shouting?" Sophia tugged on Lucy's arm.

"He was confused, he didn't understand something." Lucy answered; she looked down with concern at Sophia, "Are you ok Sophia? Did he scare you?"

"No, he didn't scare me, I thought he was quite funny, he went all red." She let out a giggle and skipped off down the aisle. Lucy followed her, apologising to all people Sophia had knocked into. As she chased after a smile formed on Lucy's face, she loved Sophia. All of the hard work was worth this. She caught up with Sophia; wrapping her arms around her she tickled her to the floor. Some people were staring but Lucy didn't care, she wanted to make the most of every moment.

"Mummy, stop mummy" Sophia squealed. Laughing Lucy got up and pulled up Sophia. they made their way to the checkout and then out of the supermarket.

Lucy was laden with bags, but as she couldn't afford a car she had to walk home. As they started to walk down the road, the sky decided to empty itself. Wonderful, Lucy thought as the rain poured down.


So this is chapter two, i wanted to make it a bit longer but I couldn't think of anything else to write. I couldn't really include some of the next chapter in it as important things happen.

Please comment and tell me what you think, good or bad.

Thanks :)

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