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Hey guys! This is going to be a pretty short chapter because the next one is going to be a fairly lengthy flashback!

Bright side is: Lots of questions will be answered, and I'm gonna have fun with it!

Thaddeus POV

It had been a few days since I had seen Ayla and already I was raging to return to her. I attended business regarding some exports and imports from Spain.

To say I was distracted was accurate. Imports, exports, taxes. It was all simple. I could have them handle it themselves, but knowing I'm here makes things run smooth.

My mind constantly wandered to Ayla. I could feel her warm lips on my skin. I had not felt this way about a woman in centuries. I can barely remember the last time I was in love.

I tried to pay attention to my consort. Truly I did. But this simple gentleman escorting me had little to none of my attention on his ramblings.

"And the tobacco shipments are arriving this week. A very high commodity your majesty." I stared emptily at the dimly lit docks. The creaking of the hulls of the ships soothed my wanton need to run back to her.

"Very well. See to it that all of the arrangements are made in haste. I need to return home quickly."

"Your majesty." He bowed and scurried off into the night. I turned to the six men trailing behind me. It amused me that I got an escort. Even as a king I could barely leave my home without two dozen guards at my side. I dismissed them with a wave of my hand. They meditated momentarily before turning in their heels into the darkness.

I walked along the docks lost in thought and watched the moonlight rise high above the water. Suddenly my chest was struck with fear. Ayla. She was terrified. For a moment I honed in on her, and opened my mind to feel her. She was where I left her, home. I ran swiftly back towards York, trying to calm the terror growing inside of me. I wouldn't make it there by daybreak.

I started to panic as I felt her slowly slipping away. A sudden drop in my sense of her... She was either falling asleep, or something worse.

It took me half a day to reach my summer home. It was difficult to travel in daylight, so I had been set back. I could I have to find her.

I rushed up to my chamber as fast as I could fly. I stopped outside the door to see my sentries both laying in a puddle of their own blood on the floor.

"Ayla!" I called. No one responded. I couldn't sense her. It was empty. She was gone, and not by her own accord.

It had to have been Nathaniel. He couldn't just leave the hell alone! She did nothing to him. She was innocent.

I made my way to the south end of the castle and barged into Mary's chambers.

"Thaddeus!" She said, startled by my entrance. She dropped her brush and stood immediately in her night gown.

"How may I help you your maj-"

"Where is he, Mary?" My voice was stern. It was all I could do to keep myself calm.

"Where is who?" Her voice was innocent. I stared at her and her eyes widened.

"What did he do, Thaddeus?"

"Ayla is gone."

"Surely she may have just escaped?" I hissed and she lowered her eyes.

"She was taken. Mary, I need your help. Where is your brother?" I was upset. She could easily tell. She walked slowly towards me and put her hand on my shoulder.

"Are you so sure of his guilt?" She spoke quietly, looking at me with question.

"Are you not?" I was growing impatient at her delay.

"Thaddeus... if he took her, she is likely dead." Her words sent fear through me.

"Then I will kill him."

"You're the king... you're our king. If that's how it needs to be..." she began to sob. She leaned into my chest and softly shook. I patted her shoulder.

"Mary. I need to know where he is." My tone was stern. I couldn't waiver. Not when it came to Ayla.

"Thaddeus... he's in Cambridge. He went back..." I clinched my fists immediately.

"So he knows who she is." I whispered.

"He knows." She whispered.

And with that I vanished into the night.

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