Little Shepherd - TFW x reader

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Damn that Castiel. This was the last time I was going to put up with his crap. He was keeping me from getting what I wanted and this was it.

I needed that angel tablet if I was going to take over and he knew it. He had known it all along. We'd known each other since before humanity and we were once friends. But brothers and sisters fight, right?

Now that Metatron was in power, I would have no chance at taking over. He may be wimpy, but he has powerful beings backing him up. I mean, Castiel risked us all! Crowley could have killed us all with whatever is on that tablet! He just wasn't careful, and now he was going to pay.

Castiel usually screams about the Winchesters for hours on end on angel radio, making it easy to find him. Angel radio had been silent for a few days. It seemed emptier, like there was a hole. This made my task more difficult. I hadn't seen Castiel in a while. When he didn't want to be found, he couldn't be found. So, of course, I turned to my only reliable Castiel source.

"Winchesters! I come bearing gifts!" I shouted into the bunker. Immediately, two gun-wielding men barreled around the corner. Damn, were they tall and attractive.

"Who the hell are you?" The shorter one spat.

"Name's (Y/N). And you know where a friend of mine is. Where are you hiding him?" I demanded.

"Where are we hiding who?" The taller one asked.

"My itsy-bitsy baby brother of course!"

"Come again?" Shorty deadpanned.

"Castiel! Where is Castiel?"

"So you're an angel?" Tall guy questioned.

"Yes," I sighed. "Now which one of you is which? Castiel won't stop screaming about you two on angel radio."

"I'm Dean," shorty smirked.

"I'm Sam," the taller one smiled.

"Now that we've introduced ourselves, let's try this again. Where is Castiel?"

"We don't know. We haven't seen him in a few days."

"You mean you don't check on him every day?" I question in disbelief.

"Yeah?" they let out like its no big deal.

"You are idiots! Castiel has no competence whatsoever! You put him in front of a puzzle and he'll stare at it for thirty minutes. You give him a liquor store and he'll drink everything in the house! He doesn't know how to operate in your world! He shouldn't be left alone."

"Castiel told us that he needed to keep his distance from other angels. He said his brothers and sisters were all either very mad at him, or looking to him for leadership. Which one are you?"

"Let's go on a walk," I sighed grabbing Sam's arm and dragging him outside.

"Hey! Angels aren't supposed to be able to get into the bunker without specific change to the hexing!"

"I have a few tricks up my sleeve," I smirked. "Anyway, I am very angry with Castiel. He has shown no sign of having any responsibility, yet when anything goes to shit in the big house, all of them turn to Castiel like sheep looking for a shepherd. Castiel acts like he's some great leader. He just makes the others feel like they are important. He can't make decisions or fix their problems. Metatron is still destroying heaven, and he needs to be stopped. I need the angel tablet in order to stop him, and Castiel has that, so he is very useful to me."

"So, all of that means, basically, that you want to be in charge."

"Yeah, pretty much."

"So why should we help you then?" he questioned. "I mean, after all, we are the idiots that Cas considers friends."

"True," I smirked. "But I can give you way more than Castiel can. I mean, after all, I am in a female vessel–"

"I don't want that from you. I just want Cas to be safe. So you haven't seen him at all?"

"No! I've called to him in every way possible. I've even employed the help of some humans that were willing to pray Castiel to me."

"I think I may have someone who can help."


"Dear Cas, who art in a place he probably shouldn't be," Dean began. "Please get your feathery ass over here so we can resolve some issues with your sister. Thanks."

"You called?"

"Castiel,"  I faked excitement as I ran over to Castiel for a hug. He rolled his eyes as he brushed me off. 

"Dean, why have you been associating yourself with this spawn of evil and hatred?" 

"Ouch, Cassie," I mocked, putting my hand to my heart. "Have you no sympathy for your poor, hurting sister?"

"You're fine," he grumbled glaring at me. "Why are you disturbing my friends?"

"Cassie, you've got what I need," I pouted.

"But you say she's just a friend–*cough* *cough*..." he trailed off. Cas and I both tilted our heads in confusion before I shook my head and continued.

"Castiel, where is the angel tablet?"

"I cannot reveal that information, (Y/N)," he stated matter-of-factly. 

"Hmmmm," I hummed, annoyed with his uncooperative attitude. "I guess I'll have to pry it out of you," I stated ominously, grabbing a hold of him before he could poof away. Sam and Dean seemed very alarmed until they realized I wasn't hurting him. I put two fingers to his head and, instead of smiting him, dug around for the location of the tablet. I didn't have to dig long because I started getting vibes from a lower area of his body. I felt around his torso until I was over his stomach.

"You ATE IT?!" I shrieked, very bewildered by this realization. Before he could respond, I just shoved my hand through his body and pulled it out. This is what freaked out Sam and Dean. They tried to come near me, but I compelled them away with my angel mojo.

Once I had the angel tablet in my hands, sudden clarity came to me. I couldn't let this get into the wrong hands. 

"See ya, Cassie," I smirked, poofing out. I knew what I had to do.


Thoughts? I wrote this one like a year ago.

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