The Hyperion Hotel

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Faith showed up at the hotel and instantly her eyes met Winifred. The rogue slayer couldn't stop smiling when she talked to Fred. There was an unmistakable sexual tension going on, but with the situation with Angelus and the beast on the loose there was very little time to explore those feelings the way they both desperately wanted. Things only got worse when Faith was knocked unconscious and brought back to the hotel.

Fred was frantic about Faith's perilous condition and did everything she could to help bring her back from the brink of death. As luck would have it Faith did wake up and prevent Connor from killing Angel and with that came the end of one major problem the group was facing.

Willow summoned to the hotel by Fred order to return Angel's soul which she successfully does after competing in a magical battle with Cordelia. With all the team's hreats averted. She has an short and simple discussion with Faith. "We need your help in aid our fight against The First". 

Faith pulls Fred into an old closet shutting the door behind her and pushed Winifred up against it, "So, I guess this is good-bye. I'm not really good at this kind of shit but I wanted you to know that I will be calling you when I'm gone and I will be back when we stop this next crisis in Sunnydale.” 

Fred grin as wraps her hands around Faith's neck, "Well, I hate to see you leave but I know they need you. I will be here when you get back."

Faith kisses her, then pulled back and ran her hand through her hair, "Oh I'll be back as soon as I can". After kissing those soft sweet lips of yours, I'm beginning to rethink this saving the world thing and stay here with you."

Fred kissed her again before pulling away, "I would really love to be selfish and ask you to stay, but you have to go help and I admire that about you."

Faith puts her hand up against Fred soft cheeks, "Aside from admiring your beautiful dark eyes and smile, I admire your brain. Sometimes I wish I could do something besides beating dead things up for a living."

"Oh That's not all you do Faith." She wanted to say more but there was a knock on the door and the two girls smiled as Angel opened it.

Fred stood and waved as Faith took off out the door with Willow.

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