Chapter XXVI

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I shot up and started running upstairs. ‘YEAH YOU BETTER RUN!’ Lily yelled. ‘CAUSE WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU…!’ she didn’t even need to finish that sentence. Then it hit me. I was so stupid!

Oh run op the stairs you dumb bitch, I told myself. There was no way out of that! If only I’d had an animagus form with wings! But nooooo, I’d had to go and be a dog. Stupid. I ran into the closet and locked the door behind me. I was so incredibly stupid! Why did I just lock myself in a closet with no way out! Wow I am so nice to myself. Well at least I had that right, treat your fellow people like you treat yourself. I’m once again amazed. The door flew open and Lily glared down at me. I suddenly felt really small.

‘… Hi Lily. Lovely to see you here…’

‘Why Faith… Why?!’

‘Well…’ I started doubtingly. ‘Look there!’ I pointed at something behind her. See wasn’t fooled.

‘How stupid do you think I am Faith?’ She asked me.

‘I’d hoped stupid enough to turn around.’ I muttered making her shake her head.

‘Sorry for disappointing you!’ she said sarcastically.

‘No, Lily this hurts. But you know what?’ I said cheekily. ‘Now we’re even, you disappointed me and I locked you in a … classroom with Ja- I’m not helping myself am I?’

 ‘No!’ I searched my pockets for my wand. Left it downstairs, again! I should really stop doing that. Then there’s only one thing left to do… I started crying, taking Lily completely off guard. ‘Oh Faith!’ She said soothingly. ‘You’re forgiven okay? Please don’t cry.’

‘Re-really?’ I sobbed.

‘Yes really!’

‘Okay great.’ I said with a smile.

‘I should’ve known…’ Lily muttered. We walked back down the stairs together.

‘Oh, Faith’s alive.’ James said without any interest with a wave of his hand and I shot him a look. ‘Uh, oh… I mean… YAY Faith you’re alive!’

‘Yeah and you’re a prick. Let’s state the obvious, why don’t we.’ I pushed him of the armchair he had been sitting on and took his place.

Lily stood in front of the fire staring at us and tapping her foot on the floor impatiently.

‘Wazzup Lils?’ I asked her.

‘I am still waiting for an explanation!’ She snapped angrily.

‘For what?’ I asked dumbly while playing with a loose thread that hung from the armchair.

She gave me a look of complete annoyance. ‘For what? FOR WHAT? WHAT DO YOU MEAN FOR WHAT?!’ I was getting myself in trouble again. Not good.

‘Uuuuh-‘ I started, sharing hopeful looks with the others who didn’t seem very keen to help me with this one. ‘I was just helping a friend out…?’

‘POTTER! You set her up to this?!’

He looked shocked and scared. ‘What?! No! No I had no idea! Faith! Tell her I had nothing to do with it!’

‘Okay fine!’ I exclaimed. ‘James is innocent, this time. It was all my idea.’ I pouted dramatically. ‘But!’ I added quickly. ‘You’ve already forgiven me, remember!’ She sighed deeply.

She made a frustrated sound before leaving the common room and slamming the portrait shut behind her. I turned to Sirius and Remus.

‘Okay, A failed. Scrap B and C. We’re immediately going for D.’

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