Welcome Back to Los Angeles

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The Scoobie gang sleepily rose from their seats watching the dark slayer jump off the bus and rushing to the door. "FRED!" she shouted as the hotel door opened, A warm arms made their way around her neck.

"Miss me?" Faith pushing their lips together.

Winifred smile into the kiss, pull gently at her bottom lip. "Always" she break their gaze with a soft laugh.

"What? Is there something on my face?"  Faith said

"No". Fred assured her. "I've missed this so much"

"Me too" Faith whispers 

Fred places her head against the slayer chest while Faith closes her eyes as she gently stroke Winifred back. Unaware of a silent Angel, Gunn, and Connor also standing in the lobby.

Moments later, the Scoobies emerge through the door.

"Hi everyone, pick whatever empty room you want. Otherwise, Help yourself to anything in the kitchen" Angel says

"Got any bags I can carry up for ya'?" Gunn hoarsely questions to Buffy  

"Yeah thank you, the rest our probably Dawn's gear" Buffy says 

"Hey! I'm not the only one who wanted to see Faith's girlfriend, I don't see your bags, Sis" Dawn said 

 Buffy lower her head and blushed

 'BUSTED'. Kennedy shouted.

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