Thirster 2467: 23.

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Marilyn races down the dark hall and reaches the back door. No one was there but she did hear through the walkie talkie that they're patrolling outside.

She takes out the pocket knife from her bag and holds onto tightly in her grip. She's using a pocket knife in a gun fight. The old rusty door creaks loudly when she opens it and she bites the inside of her cheek.

Marilyn survived this long let's hope she can reach the Studio without a problem. Outside was quiet. There wasn't a voice or a scurry of feet running past her.

It also felt as if they all were hiding from her and keeping still. Marilyn thought of just handing herself in and waving the white flag but she didn't grow up to be that pathetic. She grew up to fight until her body gives up.

A warm breeze brushes up against her skin and the hair on the back of her neck stand up. She lets the door close itself silently as she slowly walks around the short building. There's towers surrounding the small building for the guards to watch during the day. She found out that there's just security cameras outside at night when she started to sneak out during her high school years.

Marilyn's thoughts ran through her head quickly. So the anxious thoughts made her run towards the fenced gate. When she starts running her feet thud on the concrete loudly echoing in the dark surrounding her.

All of a sudden she hears voices behind her but they started to faint. No one was chasing her so she thought they just gave up. However it didn't stop her for running. She reaches the gates and she uses Lee's keys to unlock the gate. When she does she starts to hear gun shots through the air.

The dirt ground besides her explode into dust and she coughs from the dusty air. But when the dirt blew into the air she heard a ping noise and knew exactly what it was. A bullet from a gun. They were trying to shoot her.

Her body starts to shake nervously as she opens the door. Again they miss. She turns to close it and suddenly a gun goes off and the bullet hits her right in the arm.

Marilyn stumbles back and falls on the sidewalk. She moves away from the gate that's still open and she let's out a painful scream.

Up in the towers are guards with guns and she can perfectly see their shadows. Marilyn doesn't waste time laying there so she stands on her shaking feet and runs down the street.

When the Area wasn't visible she stops in an alleyway, clenching onto her wounded arm. The bullet was in her upper arm and she was wondering if they were trying to aim her heart but missed when she turned.

"Fuck!" Marilyn screams when she pulls her hand away that was stopping the bleeding. Blood covered her whole arm and she looked like she just came out of a scary movie.

She cuts the bottom of her dress with the pocket knife and ties the cloth over the wound tightly to stop the bleeding. She pulled one end with her good hand and the other with her teeth. She groans while tugging letting her tears fall helplessly out of her eyes.

This is the most crucial pain she's felt in her entire life. Her arm is numb and she can't lift it up. She wonders if she should go to the emergency room but what is she going to say? She got shot by one of the guards that works in the secret government Area?

She picks herself up back on her feet after leaning against a tall building and walks down the streets of the City. She kept her head low while passing people who are going out for the night. Some would turn their heads to her attention weirdly but she kept on walking.

Soon she reached her Studio and races to the bathroom. She grabs the First Aid Kit that was under the sink and sits on the floor. Blood stains the white sink and cabinets. She grabs the hand towel and keeps it besides her. Every time she tries to untie the cloth over her wound she flinches in pain. Her arm is cradled up against her chest because she can't move it in any way.

Tears are stained over her face and she knows her makeup is a mess by now. She can't believe they shot her. They tried killing her. The thought of it drives Marilyn to the edge. She wants to hurt them in every way she possibly can. 

Marilyn wonders if she should still go to the hospital but it's too late now. She'll have to do this herself. She opens the Aid Kit with her good hand and tosses everything out of it. After pulling the blood drenched cloth off of her and grabs a pair of metal tweezers in the Kit. She dumps hydrogen peroxide on the wound, letting out a painful yell. Sweat rolls down her face and her body grows hot.

Marilyn takes a couple of deep breaths before bringing the tweezers in the wound and digging through flesh and bone. She screams at the top of her lungs trying so hard to take the bullet out. After a couple of tries the bullet slides out falling onto the tiles with a thud. 

She sits there silently from exhaustion. After she stops the blood by cleaning it with bandages that were in the Kit. When she finished tying the last bandage she leans her head back against the wall and calms down. Her thoughts are racing about getting shot, pulling the bullet out and about the cure. All these years and no one knew about the cure Dr. Sammis found?

Soon her surroundings become black and she tries to stay awake. She brings her hands in front of her seeing all the blood on her and around her. Marilyn grows nauseous and faints.

Ever since the alarm was ringing Pierce was on his feet in confusion. He also thought possibly Marilyn was coming to the rescue and save him. He waited for her to bust the door open and let him out of the boring dull box. However he knew it wasn't going to happen when the alarm eventually ended it's obnoxious ringing.  

Moments later the door opens and he looks up, watching Dr. Sammis walk in with some guards behind him. 

"Don't worry everything is fine in here." Dr. Sammis says sarcastically to the vampire. 

"What happen?" Pierce asks, walking towards the window. 

"Oh just your little friend sneaked in the party and caused a little problem." Pierce watches him fix his suit.  

"Where is she?" The vampire says with a stern voice but deep down he was worried. 

"Hopefully somewhere dead in the streets. We shot her."

"You what!" Pierce barks punching the window. "You're lying."

"I'm not." Dr. Sammis clasps his hands together behind his back and strides back and forth. "Although I don't think we hit anything serious. I think we missed big organs and her heart that can swell blood in her lungs." Pierce stays quiet while staring at him furiously. "Too bad, I just hope it keeps her away."

"Good luck with that." The vampire chuckles while crossing his hands over his chest. "She won't give up."

"Then she will end up dead."

"We'll see about that. Just know vampires like having a pray on someone for days before attacking." Dr. Sammis stares at him with his jaw clenched. "You're on the top of my list." He adds before walking away from the window. He sits on the chair and hears the doctor chuckle to himself. 

"Good luck with that. See you tomorrow when we dig deeper in you. I'll make sure it's more painful than the other times." 


Hello people! 

Disgusting with Marilyn pulled the bullet out haha. 



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