Chapter XXVII

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‘Prongs? Prongs! PRONGS!’ Sirius shouted to his friend who was absentmindedly staring into the fire.

‘Huh? Sorry what?’ He reacted.

‘Someone was in his own little world.’ Remus laughed.

‘Or should we say, in his own Lily world.’ I added and I high-fived him.

‘Yeah, yeah, make fun of me.’

‘Don’t worry! We will.’

‘I never made fun of you two.’ He said pointing at Sirius before pointing at me.

We both snorted. ‘Yeah right!’

‘You never made fun of us? Let’s recall shaaaaall we?’ I said stretching the A.

‘Stop being so gooey, you make me want to throw up.’ Sirius started in a near perfect imitation of James’ voice.

‘Hey, Sirius. Her eyes are up there.’ I added in a low voice.

‘Not to mention that every time we kiss you make the whole situation awkward.’ Sirius finished.

 ‘Okay, maybe I did a little.’ James said.

‘A little?’ the rest of us, minus Peter who was drawing something on a piece of parchment, questioned.

‘Okay, quite a lot.’

‘Yes! An awful lot.’ I said.

‘Yeah Prongs you’re a bully.’ Sirius added with his signature smirk on his face.

‘You’ve finally noticed?’ Lily asked who walked in with Alice and Molly. ‘Took you long enough.’

‘Evans!’ James said and his hand immediately flew to his hair but I slapped it away. ‘H-how are you?’ He said and he tried make himself look cool but failed quite miserably. I stifled a laugh and looked at Lily who was actually SMILING at him. SMILING!

‘Very well thanks. It’s our turn to patrol the corridors again tonight.’

‘Yeah it is… I’ll see you later then?’

‘Yeah.’ And she left.

‘Holy Merlin, she was nice to me.’ He said when she was gone. ‘Did you hear that!’

‘Yes James we heard.’

‘Nice… to me!?’

‘Yeah now shut up or I’ll push you of that chair again.’

‘Look what I’ve drawn!’ Peter yelled happily, showing us his drawing.

‘Nice Peter. Really pretty.’ We all lied to make him feel good. Honestly I had no idea what he’d just shown us.

‘Me…’ James muttered again.

‘I think he’s in shock.’ Remus said.

‘Oh I’ll get him out.’ I said with an evil smile and I stood up. ‘Sirius help me out.’ He stood up next to me. ‘1.’ I counted. ‘2. 3!’ and together we pushed the chair, which tipped over and landed on top of James, who was now on the floor.

‘What the hell did you do that for!?’ He shouted at me.

‘Oh, now he’s awake.’ I said sarcastically.

‘Padfoot can I-‘ He started but Sirius cut him off.

‘No Prongs not allowed to either kill, maim or destroy.’

‘Crap. Can I-‘

‘Mentally scarring is out of question as well.’

‘Ah come on! You’re taking all the fun out of things.’

‘You may have forgotten Prongsy but the only reason Lily is nice to you is because I fell of my broom.’ I told him before getting up to go to the great hall.

‘She has a point, you know.’ Remus said carefully as we left and ran down the stairs. I did a victory dance. Which included lots of spastic arm movements. I twirled around and hit the wall.

‘You okay?’ Sirius called from a distance.

‘Perfectly fine!’ I called back. I continued to dance like a mental patient for a while until I ran, or rather danced, into something or should I say, someone.

‘What the hell are you doing!? Watch were you going filthy little mudblood.’ I sighed and looked at Avery, who was closely followed by Snape and Sirius’ evil twin, except that it wasn’t his twin but only his younger brother.

‘Avery, sweetie. We’ve been over this before, a million times actually.’ I told him cheekily. ‘I am a half-blood, repeat after me, haaaaaaaalf-bloooooood.’ He didn’t repeat and just continued to stare me down. ‘Well don’t repeat it then. Shoot yourself.’

‘Uhm Sparkle,’ Remus started with a small cough. ‘The expression is suit yourself.’

I let out a laugh. ‘Oh I know. I was just telling dear Avery here, what he can do with himself.’

‘What’s the problem here?’ Sirius asked as he joined us, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me slightly behind him while staring Avery down.

‘Nothing’s wrong, Padfoot.’ I said desperately trying not to roll my eyes. He was so overly protective. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it reassuringly. ‘I was just telling Avery to shoot himself.’ He nodded, his eyes not leaving the Slytherins in front of us.

‘That’s good.’

‘Mum sent me a letter.’ Regulus said.

‘Nice for you Reg.’ Sirius said rolling his eyes.

‘You’re an outrage for the family.’

‘What’s new?’

‘She’s really angry Sirius. She burned you off the family tapestry and thereby disowned you.’ He said he actually sounded a little worried. Did he actually care about his big brother getting disowned?

‘Once again, what’s new? And, why should I even care. Your mother is angry, big deal.’ And he turned his back to his younger brother.

He acted as though he couldn’t care less but I knew him better than that. I knew that deep down he worried about his little brother’s life now he wasn’t there to take care of him. I knew he was afraid that his parents were going to corrupt him and change his way of thinking. Automatically I grabbed his hand again and he looked up at me. He allowed himself a small smile and sqeezed my hand to show me he was fine before we turned our back to the Slytherins and left.

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