Leo Valdez X Reader - Who's Fault?

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     It was a normal day aboard the Argo 2. Well, as normal as it could get seeing that your brother and his girlfriend had fallen off the ship a couple hours ago. Everybody was quiet and subdued, Leo most of all. He felt like it was his fault but everyone thought, and knew, otherwise.

"Leo?" You called as you entered the engine room. A small grunt came from your left and you went over to your boyfriend. 

"Come on. You need to eat," You said softly as you tugged on his shirt.

"I'm not hungry," Leo said, as his stomach said the opposite.

"Let's go." You tugged on his shirt again and he sighed.

"Bring the food in here," He said. "Yours too. We'll eat in here, okay?" You nodded and left the room. When you left, Leo got up and started to pace around the room. He stopped after a couple minutes and stood facing away from the door, putting his face into his hands.

'It's all my fault,' Leo thought. 'It's all my fault that they're not here.' He jumped when he felt two arms wrap around his torso.

"Stop beating yourself up. It's not your fault they fell," You said, your voice muffled by his shirt. Leo's head dropped again and he turned so he could hug you.

"It is though. If I had just pulled the ship up-" He said before you cut him off.

"No! It was all that stupid spiders fault! Everyone is just as sad and worried as you are. You may have lost a friend, but I lost a brother. And you have no idea how hard that is for me," You said, tears streaming down your face. It was then that Leo saw how much you were hurting.

"I'm sorry _____. I'm so sorry," Leo said as he took you into his arms and sat down on the floor, you in his lap. He kissed your forehead and rocked you back and forth. He let you cry until you couldn't cry anymore.

"I'm sorry," You said quietly.

"Don't be. I didn't even think about how you were doing. I'm the one that should be sorry." Leo rubbed your back and you leaned into him tiredly.

"I love you," You said with a yawn.

"I love you too." You fell asleep in Leo's lap and he leaned against the wall after he kissed your forehead again.

"I love you _____. I love you more than you can imagine," He said before falling asleep himself.

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