Chapter 1

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"Brainy?" Smurfette asked, knocking on his door. He opened just after Smurfette's fist came away from the door.

"Smurfette! Come on in, Hefty and Clumsy are already here," Brainy assured her, opening the door wider for her to enter.

She clutched her bag as she entered. This was the first sleepover she had ever attended, so she didn't know exactly what to expect.

"It's our favorite smurf!!" Clumsy yelled, and ran over to her. He hugged her, then smiled and jumped on Brainy's bed.

She just laughed. Hefty gave her a warm smile. She returned it.

"So, Smurfette? How's your day been?" Clumsy asked, out of breath, yet still jumping on the bed.

She sighed and smiled. "Alright, I guess!" she laughed.

Just then, Clumsy hit his head on the ceiling from jumping and fell, his hat covering half his face. Everyone laughed. Hefty walked over to Smurfette and took her bag from her, then set it on Brainy's shelf.

"You okay, bro?" Hefty asked, pulling him up back to feet. Smurfette fixed his hat.

"I'm good!!" Clumsy said, confidently. He smiled at them.

As Smurfette went to sit down, someone knocked on the door.

"That's weird," said Smurfette. "Are you expecting others?"

Brainy shook his head. "Clumsy, did you invite anyone else?"

Clumsy sat on a spinning chair. "No."

He looked at Smurfette and Hefty. "Did you guys?"

They both shook their heads. Another knock was heard.

"Hmm," Brainy said, before Smurfette walked past him to the door.

When she opened it and saw who it was, she was as shocked as ever.

There stood Vexy.

Smurfs: The Lost Village: ContinuedWhere stories live. Discover now