chapter 8 : heart of steel

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Safire and Danaira were reunited with Yuki safire's lost brother , so the decided to live together as one happy family only one problem

Danaira : I forgot those 3 idiots wrecked our house


After our hero's came back to town they  decided to live in a cheap in in till they find a permanent home

Danaira : hey Safire

Safire : yeah , wts up

Danaira : I've been reading this magic textbook and Aperantly using you're magic weapon takes more than 75% of you're magic energy

Safire : so ?

Danaira : so if the royal army finds us well need to be able to stand a chance against them

Safire : so what should I do

Danaira : well Aperantly there is a blacksmiths shop in town and I heard all there weapons and material they make are for magic

Safire : ok so ill go to see the shop and buy some for us

Yuki : hey can I come with you

Safire : sure but put on a disguise just in case ok

So Safire and Yuki went across town to the blacksmith shop when they saw some people in a dark alley . 4 jiant men about to mug a red haird girl

Men 1 : ok girly hand over the money before this gets personal

Men 3 : better listen to the boss lady

Safire : hey , what going on here

Yuki : I don't know about you but 4 against 1 doesn't sound fair to me . Safire let me deel with this

Yuki takes out 3 of the men when suddenly the girl that was being mugged was holding a fire ball in her hands

Girl : thanks guys but let me handle this one , because if you think you can steel from my family's blacksmiths shop then you're rong pal

The last guy standing is so scared that he runs away and leaves his friends behind . the girl in the alley turn out to be a magic user .

Girl : hey thanks for the help , my name is Sakura

Safire : I'm Safire and this is my brother Yuki , nice to meet you

Sakura : nice to meet you too

Safire : hey umm , did you say you're family has a blacksmith shop in town

Sakura : yeah we run a magic blacksmith shop .

Safire : we were on our way there

Sakura : I can take you there if you like

Yuki : that would be awesome , thanks

Sakura : no problem

So they all went together to Sakura's family shop

Sakura : ok were here

Yuki : wow this is pretty big huh

Safire : yeah

Sakura : Dad I'm home !

Dad : hey pumpkin , where were you

Sakura : I was out getting back the money those jerks stole

Dad : saku , didn't I tell you not to do that it's too dangerous you could have hurt your self or worse , and who are your new friends

Sakura : oh right , this is Safire and Yuki they helped me out with those guys and since they were coming here anyways I decided to go with them

ElementalsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora