Chapter 28♡

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Hana pov

I wake up with the sound of azaan i love azaan sound by listening it i feel relex..

I got up from the bed and went in the bath room to take shower after taking shower. I wore my pink shalwar kameez and a white hijab and offer my fajr prayer....

After praying i feel relex seriously man! I love praying i took my quran sharif and read some paper of quran..

After reading quran i went downstair for walk on garden because i was not feeling to sleep. While i was walking i saw beautiful white kitten.Awwww! sho sweet i said and hold it on my arm i took that kitten inside the kitchen and gave it some milk...

Knock knock

I went to open the door

"Excuse me have u seen my kitten"??? she said

"Yeah please come in" i said

We went inside house she was happy to see her kitten.

"Aww! my baby" she said and hold it in her arm

"Thank you miss.."she said

" Miss hana ibrahim" someone said i turn to see it was ibrahim.

"Ohh so you are married" she said

"Yeah she is married to me" he said with a smirk on his face

"Once again thank you mrs ibrahim" she said and left...

"Acha listen we going for shopping are u coming" he said

"We???" i said in confused look

"Me and my fiance" he said with a smirk

"No i'm not interested" i said

"Ohhh i see you are jealous with my fiance" he said

"What?? i you mean i miss hana hussain is going to feel jelous with your lizard huh" i said

"Noo who said miss hana hussain is going be jelous i said my wife mrs ibrahim is going be jealous" he said

"Whatever" i said

"You r coming that it" he said and be ready by 11 AM.

What huh?? what he think of him self

"I think i'm a king" he said

What the heck

"Hana just relexx" he said with a smirk

What relex you are going to marry someone else when you have one. And you are telling me to relex stupid mr ibrahim! ahhh hana relexx just chill.

"Yeah that's what i'm saying and be ready" he said

What the hell do he have earring power when i'm saying to myself how can he hear it....

At 11 AM

"Ibrahim baby where are you" miss maham said

"Ahhh hana have you seen my life i mean my fiance ibrahim" she said

"Maham i'm here" he said while going towards her and hug her

"Let's go" she said

" Hana come" he said and walk towards car

I was following them like a puppy he is humilating me and i'm going with him. Why allah why i wanna cry but i'm controlling like a hell allah give me some patientes please...

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