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Darkiplier's p.o.v

"So, she doesn't want to speak to me anymore?" I ask Marzia and she shakes her head sadly.

"Why? What did I do wrong?"

"From what I understand, you dropped her and kicked her out after she helped you for a week. She put all of her things aside which is a very dangerous thing in the fashion world, just for you. She stayed up all weekend to catch up and even did a few things for the future tasks. You didn't even say thank you." She stares at my face with a slightly angered look. I run my hands through my hair and look away.

"Well, that's kind of a stupid reason to get mad don't you think? Over a simple thank you?" I ask and she hits my head with my pillow.

"That's not the point! The point is that you were- correction, you are ungrateful when she could have just left you to burn here alone! For Moon's sake she dropped everything for you! Get that through your thick and stupid skull! You treated her like trash and now she's not even going to speak to you unless you become her coworker." She burns holes through my face and I growl.

"She's my mate, she has to-"

"What? Has to what? After what you did? You deserve to be rejected. I understand you're scared, whether you want to admit it or not. But the more you act like this, the more chance you have at actually being rejected before even having the chance to mate."

I feel my chest tighten and I throw a lamp at the wall, screaming at myself for being an asshole.

She lifts her hands and points them towards the broken lamp, swaying her hands and fixing the lamp. She then places it back on the nightstand.

"Dark, I understand what she's going through, and Infelix understands what you're going through, but you need to ask for help. And stop being so prideful damn it. That pride isn't going to get you anywhere but jail. And you're a pretty boy, you are. I don't think you want to be the consequence of dropping the soap." We shudder and I look at the contract.

She places a hand on my bent knee and I look up at her.

"If you sign this, you'll have a job and still be able to see her. You'll get to talk to her for a bit, yeah she'll order you around but at least you get to see her. Don't you want that? You'll see her in school but she'll avoid you and you know damn well Xavier can't handle that and you won't be able to once she starts making new friends that are male."

I growl once she says that and she slaps me, making me blink quickly.

"And stop doing that." She drops a pen in my lap and I stare at the contract.

"Get your shit together, and make her want you. You only have 4 months."

"Why 4?"

"Her aunt left in January. She got all of her abilities that she knows of on that day but different years."

"What day is it?"

"January 16. Now, are you gonna sign or what?" She crosses her arms and I hold the pen.

"Is she going to trust me?" I ask she gives me a confused look.

"Why would she trust you over a job? This is your responsibility. Be happy she even considered offering you this."

I look back down at the contract and write my signature on the line. It turns red and I look up at her. She signs to flip the page and I flip it, seeing a box.

She walks away then comes back, holding a knife.

"Woah, hey. I know we're training but this is just ridiculous." I hold my hands up in defense and she grabs my hand, stabbing my finger gently and placing it in the box.

Teenage Dirtbag (DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now