11. Prank gone wrong

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{Sara's POV}

Okay. So I might have started giggling right after I thought that this guy would be my cover guy. Wanna know why? Of course you do! I pictured this guy on the cover of a girly magazine in sunglasses, with a handbag, and in a dress. Also wearing a blonde wig. Understand why I giggled? If not. Re-read what I just said.

Anywho. I giggled, softly, but apparently Jake heard and he came and pulled me out from under the sink. I giggled and then burst out laughing. He ha bed hair, was shirtless, (SWEET!) and his eyes were fogged over with sleep, but he still looked serious. I jumped out of his arms and ran to his office. I say behind his desk, in his chair, and made the chair face away from the door. Why? You ask. Well. You'll find out in 3...2...1...


The door burst open. I smirked and put my fingers together. I slowly turned around.

"I've been expecting you" I said and laughed evilly. Gosh. I have ALWAYS wanted to do that. I looked at his amused expression.

"Have you?" He asks playfully. And amused. Curses. He knows my game.

"I have. And you should know that you can't get Sara back." I said. Psh. Maybe he'll fall for it.

"Sara. Stop playing." He said.

"I'm not playing. I'm Riley. Sara's twin. She didn't mention me?" I asked feigning hurt.

"No." He growled.

"Tsk. Tsk. She should know better by now." I whispered.

"What do you mean?" He asked anger lighting up his features. Oh my gosh. Get the camera. This was priceless. He was buying it.

"Oh. I don't know. But you should know better by now Jake." I said.

He ran over to me and grabbed me by the throat. Oh gosh. He fell for it. He is gonna kill me. *note how little sarcasm is use. Actually note how NONE is used* I started wiggling in his grip.

"Jake!" I whispered hoarsely as black spots clouded my vision.

"Where is she?" He asked.

"I'm-" I managed to choke out before I was claimed by the darkness.


I felt a needle. In my skin. How dare someone poke me! Do they not know that a.) I hate needles and b.) it freaking hurts?!?! I try to scream, but all that comes out is a pathetic whimper.

"Sara?" I hear a voice ask.

"Yes?" I croak.

"Come here baby girl." I recognized that voice. Suddenly I was three again.

"Mommy?" I asked. I saw a figure emerge from the forest and I ran up to her.

"Hey Baby-Bean" I heard a familiar male voice ask, then strong arms enclose around me. I giggled and squealed.

"Hi Daddy!" He laughed and I grinned. Then suddenly my parents got very serious. What was wrong?

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Honey. Go back to your mate. He thinks he killed you. Don't play jokes on him anymore. Got it?" Mommy asked me. I nodded my head. I shouldn't have pretended I was Riley.

"Why did he actually think I was Riley?" I snuffled. "I mean. She's dead. Isn't she mama?" I asked. She shook her head.

"She is very much alive, and very much a threat. You must go back and s-stop her." My mama's voice cracked.

"Mommy? What happened. Why does he think Riley is bad? She's my sista and her and I are BFFs. Forever." I whispered.

"She's a rouge. And one that wants to harm the pack for harming you. She doesn't know you are Luna, but she is the leader of the rouges that are attacking. She wants to kill the Luna, because she thinks that you are dead. She thinks she lost you. So she wants to destroy the pack by killing the Luna. Only you can stop her baby-bean" daddy answered for mama. I nodded.

"I will mama. I will stop her daddy. But I won't kill her. I will save her" I said with determination.

"Good girl." Mama said. "Now go back to your mate baby girl. He needs you." Mama whispered. I nodded and smiled.

"Love you mama. Love you daddy!" I said as darkness enclosed around me once again.





I slowly opened my eyes and groaned. It was way to bright.

"Riley?" I heard a voice.

"I'm Sara nit-wit" I growled without thinking.

"Really?" The voice asked again. I nodded.

"Yes you doorknob. Now turn off the freaking lights and this annoying beep-y thingy before I go insane!" I whispered hoarsely.

The lights dimmed. I felt someone grab my hand. Sparks. Jake. I immediately pushed myself closer to him. I started purring. Darn Katy was partially in control.

"Doc. She's awake." I heard Jake whisper.

I giggled at how happy he sounded. Then I scowled.

"Jake? Why did you believe I was Riley?" I asked him, and his hand tightened around mine.

"Because I thought you were gone and she took you. Then after I-I choked you, I remembered she was dead." Then it was my turn to stiffen.

He noticed.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Jake. She isn't dead."

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