Chapter 3. The meeting

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Draco POV

"Toppy, I'm leaving!" I said to my house elf.
It might sound strange that I greet and say goodbye to my house elf, but I have been living alone with her for three months, after I took over as the head of the Malfoy family, so that Father and Mother could have a break and finally have a long vacation.

Between working and doing paperwork I didn't have time to leave to meet up with old friends, so I had plenty of time alone with Toppy.
I put on my coat and pulled the hood over my head while thinking of my parents. 

I wanted something they had, true love. Father had courted Mother for over a year until she had decided on him.
Like any other Malfoy, my father had wanted many children. Sadly Mother had been hit with a sterilization spell some months after my birth, so there was only me.
I loved my parents, I truly did, but I always felt that something was missing, someone that would lie next to me in my bed, someone that would raise our children with me, someone that would love me like a lover. 

A mate. 

I have been looking for a submissive Veela since my seventeenth birthday, nine months ago, and I found plenty.
But there was always something. They were living too far away, were mindless followers of the light or had no idea about tradition. 

So, I was still looking for a submissive that would fit with me and my standards. I had been also wondering myself why the Dark Lord didn't hold a meeting in three months and I was told he had a big announcement.
Hopefully it was something cheerful, not like last time, when he had found out that we had been infiltrated. 

I stepped into the room, being a little early to socialize with the other death eaters and take in all the congratulations about me becoming a lord.
Being a Pureblood and a Pure-Veela always brought a lot of mouth work with it.

I had noticed that next to the chair, where Lord Gaunt and his wife would sit, stood another chair, with a hooded figure sitting on it and one behind the chair.
I sat myself down onto my seat and waited until all the other people were seated. 

The Dark Lord opened the meeting and told us about the normal stuff. New death eaters, new plans, you name it.
During the whole time, the two hooded figures said nothing, but I had the feeling that I knew them. I didn't know why or how, I just felt it.
Suddenly, Severus Snape stood up and gathered some parchments, while his husband started speaking. 

"You all might be asking what the big announcement was. Don't fret my friends, there is no one to die today! It is a happy announcement to make. My only son finally found home!"
My eyes grew wide. My father had told me that the Dark Lord once had had a son a long time ago, until the OotP had broken into the manor and took him.
I had assumed the boy had died! 

The boy on the chair stood up and placed himself next to the Dark Lord. "He turned seventeen today, and he is a submissive Veela." The people started whispering, good and bad.
Some thought that the Dark Lord would allow his followers to torture his child because he wasn't a dominant like himself, others were happy that the Dark Lord had finally found his son.
I kept my mouth shut, I hadn't seen the boy and the fact that he is seventeen made it highly possible that I already knew him. 

I leaned back in my chair and waited for the boy to reveal himself.  
"Silence!" screamed the Dark Lord and everyone became silent. "As I said, he is a submissive Veela, that's why today, his courting starts. If you are interested, please take a parchment roll with the rules. But before you do that, let us all greet Harry!" 

Then, the cloak was blown away from the boy and we were all able to see him. Small, feminine statue, I would need to bend down to kiss his lips. Big, doe-like eyes, in the colour of the prettiest emerald, hidden behind glasses. Hair black and curly, reaching a little lower than his shoulders. Of course, I knew the boy! Harry bloody Potter was the son of the Dark Lord? 

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