Chapter 4

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"Come in." A gruff voice yelled out at the knocked door of his office. He continued to scribble something on his papers, not looking at the person who slowly entered his office from the door.

The sounds of metal boots clanking on the floor stomped menacingly towards him, one step at a time closer to his desk. He knew only one person would manage to do such sounds, quickly stopped writing on his paperwork. He lifted his head slowly, finding himself looking at the man in black, stood right in front of him. The visitor stopped right in front of the desk, looming above him as he waited for the permission to speak. The mask was effectively hiding his face, not showing any weaknesses through expressions. He was actually impressed with the mercenary, the way he done his work is so professional, no wonder he used to lead a team in a very huge organization.

"This is rare. I believe there is something that bothers you since you come into my office, yes?" He shifted his full attention to the mercenary, leaning forward as he let his elbows rested on his desk and placed his hands together.

"I'm here to make a complaint; And a request for compensation." the wraith put his hands behind him, tilting his head forward towards the man sitting behind the desk with his tone slightly sarcastic. The man raised his brow when he looked at the masked man; a bit curious for his request, but at the same time a tad bit nervous for what's to come.

"Do tell."

Reaper didn't say a word immediately, instead he tilted down to look at the paperwork he was working on. In fact, the mercenary looked more interested on the papers instead of talking to him. He stared at the papers more than 5 seconds, not moving an inch. He got more curious, so he looked down to where the merc's eyes set on, figured that he was looking at some documents of the next mission he was working.

"Something interest you?" He asked the masked man, but the wraith didn't respond to him right away. He took one more second to look at the papers, before he lifted his head up to see the only person in the room.

"Your neglect on your lackeys' behavior is what interest me." Reaper spoke monotonously.

"I beg your pardon?"

Reaper stood straight, yet menacingly at the same time. He stared straight through the man's eyes without breaking the eye contact, and slowly letting his hands find their way on the wooden desk.

"One of your.... 'kids'; just interrupted my work. To be clear, failed.... my work." The man raised his brows once again, not expecting such problem. As far as he was in charge here, there were no similar difficulties ever happened in the organization before. This was the first time he ever heard one of his workers disrupts someone else's mission.

"Well, there must be some mistake."

"No mistakes were made. And I'm sure that it was done on purpose..." The man looked away, having a thought of his own. He took his time, pausing himself before he took a glance on the mercenary.

"What is the issue?" He asked, the mercenary took his precious time just to get the tension, before he answered.

"You told us NOT to kill the doctor until night falls." There was silence between them, until the man looked back to the wraith, brows now furrowed as he gave a serious look at the wraith.

"Are you referring to the captive?" He was a bit baffled from the situation. Reaper didn't answer immediately, instead he only laid his eyes onto the man's confused face. Then he spoke.

"Who else do you think I am referring to?" Reaper growled. The man was still trying to contemplate what was happening right now.

"What about the doctor then?" The man shrugged, hands showing a sign that meant 'what's the deal?'.

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