Personal ➵ GIF Banner

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Today (at 3 AM, of course), I made another GIF banner. I think I've gotten tired of the old one, so I made this. I like it, it's not that amazing and I definitely got lazy, but yeah. It's cool, I guess?

Do you think it's better than my other and should I use it as my new "signing out" banner? I'll let you compare!

Do you think it's better than my other and should I use it as my new "signing out" banner? I'll let you compare!

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 (I guess I won't use either for this chapter, so please tell me which one to use to say bye, since I'm planning on posting two new chapters soon!)

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(I guess I won't use either for this chapter, so please tell me which one to use to say bye, since I'm planning on posting two new chapters soon!)

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