Chap 4.

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Bring Bring Bring Brin-

I slapped my hand on my alarm clock to stop it from ringing 'omg I'm so tired' I thought to myself. It's been a couple of weeks since school ended But anyway. I got up and got ready for the day

|~|~time skip|~|~
•Y/N pov•

I finished getting ready and I looked at myself in the mirror

I randomly posed but I don't know why (does anyone else do that

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I randomly posed but I don't know why (does anyone else do me?...ok) and then I started doing my makeup. When I was done it looked like this

 When I was done it looked like this

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^^you can change if you want^^

I took one last look in the mirror and headed down stairs to get some breakfast, I was greeted by my mom and dad "Good morning sweetheart" My mom said "Good morning mom, dad" I replied with a smile "We got bacon, eggs, toast, and pancakes!" My mom told me

"Woah what's with the special breakfast?" I said with a questioning look "oh it's summer and I just wanted your summer to be special!" She said with a nervous grin "ok?" I said clearly confused.

I sat down and my mom brought me a plate. It had everything on it, I quickly gobbled it down. Once i was done a got up, rinsed my plate, got my bag and headed out "bye mom bye dad!" i said as i walked out "bye sweetie!/bye lovey" they replied. I rolled my eyes at my dads nickname. I walked to a near by cafe and sat down to start working on my summer essay (idk I made it up) "Ugh this is so boring" I said. My essay was about the environment (again idk I made it up) then the barista called my name "Y/N" so I quickly went up and got my coffee and returned to my seat. Then someone sat next to me. I turned to see...Jacob? "Yo Y/N wassup" he said with a nervous chuckle "ummm ok?" I said confused

"So what's going on girl?" He asked

"Oh nothing much you?"

"Just chilling" he said with another nervous chuckle "Are you okay?" I asked concerned. He took a deep breath and said

"I'm bi"

________________________________________ I made Jacob Bisexual....because...I can and I've kinda been hinting on it a little. But anyway this was a short chapter but I wanted to post so yea

Anywayyyy byeeeee ✌️💙

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