Chapter 26: Jacob's New Fidget Spinner

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Jacob opened the front door of his house. He had moved back in with his parents after the split of Jacald. "Mom, I'm going to my friend's house! 👏👏"

His mom said, "It's nice to know you have friends, honey." 😂👏

His sister, Caroline, said, "I won't miss you!"

Jacob muttered, "I don't care." He walked out of the house and shut the door behind him. He climbed onto his bike with the note™ in his pocket and a map in his hand. Miami Street was close by.

Jacob pedaled. the bike. 🚴 (lol what's grammar?¿?)

When Jacob arrived to Miami Street, he looked closely at the house numbers. He wasn't paying attention to where he was going and collided with a mailbox. He fell off of his bicycle and rolled into the grass.

As he got up, he remembered something. "I forgot my fidget spinner! 😰😩" he said out loud.

Some boy walked up to him. "I can give you one."

Jacob looked at him. "Who are you?"

The other boy answered, "I'm Brandon Rowland, and I have over 100 fidget spinners. I'm giving some away for free."

Jacob laughed. "Bruh, that's lit. Hit me up with one." 😂👏

Brandon gave Jacob a blue light-up fidget spinner. "You can connect to that using Bluetooth™ and play your music from it."

Jacob was amazed. "Thanks, bro."

Brandon shrugged. "Keep it. I love doing charity work. 😘" He went back to wherever he came from.

Jacob happily put the fidget spinner in his pocket and walked down the sidewalk, leaving his bicycle behind.

the bicycle cried. 🚴😭😩💦

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