4 o clock - rap monster & v

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"We'll be closing the library in ten minutes," announced the old librarian.

Chung Minsun put her pen down on her exercise book and flipped open her phone to check the time. It was already almost eight and all she'd managed to do was get through half of the physics specification. Biology and chemistry hadn't even been touched upon.

A frustrated sigh escaped her frowning lips as she began to put everything into her school bag. She slipped on her long grey peacot, then swung the large pink bag on her back. Her mind kept drifting to the exam week that was slowly beginning to creep up on her like a shadow.

The worries of the exams was soon forgotten when the gust of winter breeze crawled against her skin. She immediately hugged her body and rubbed her arms to give herself some warmth. After cursing to herself for not wearing thicker tights with her school skirt, she walked down the steps.

Darkness had already settled in her surrounding, making Minsun more aware than usual. She kept darting her wide eyes around, looking out for any potential danger as her feet guided her through the usual route to home.

Unfortunately, the walk to the bus stop wasn't a short one. The area she had to walk through was just as sketchy as one could imagine and she never had a good feeling in the place. It screamed of danger and trouble waiting to happen.

So it was shocking yet not surprising for her to come across a young boy on the floor. He laid surrounded by a pool of blood which she assumed was his own, judging by his bloody and bruised face.

He still somehow managed to stay awake and blinked at her feet as she stood crouched before him. When he glanced up at her from the corner of his eyes, she fell back on her bottom. Minsun's heart began to race, her body telling her to leave as quickly as possible.

Without hesitating further, she scrambled up on her feet and started to run as fast as she could. But then she began to slow down. She cursed out every single swear word she knew of and turned around to look at the injured boy.

She sighed and walked back to him. Minsun kept telling herself that she was making a big mistake but as per usual she didn't obey herself. Despite being such a smart person, she loved to make stupid decisions. This was just one of the many.

He looks like he can't even move a muscle, surely he won't attack me.

With a lot of difficulty and a weary look from the bus driver, somehow Minsun managed to help the boy to the carehome she lived in. The caretaker professionally tended to his knife wounds and bruises whilst Minsun watched from the doorway. After mustering some courage she entered the room with the huge telephone in her hand.

"What's your parent's number? I will call them for you," she said.

He didn't bat an eye at her presence as he continued to stare at the wall behind her. She waved an arm in front of his face, trying to get his attention. But he was as still as a statue.

The carer looked back at her and gave a stern look. "Let the poor boy have some rest, he obviously isn't in the best condition. You, missy, need to catch some sleep."

"But you never know...he might be a criminal-"

"Leave," the carer quickly interrupted her.

The next day, all the other kids who lived in the carehome crowded outside the bedroom which he had stayed the night in. They were curious to meet the mysterious visitor.

"You open the door," whispered the little boy to the larger one.

"No, you do it."

Minsun walked up behind the crowd, she towered over the children who were all younger than her. "Make way for the queen," she dramatically announced.

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