Ice-skating and Where the sun don't Shine

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So are you wondering why I'm walking over to the guy I swore I'd avoid. Well, young ones let Yoda explain (Credit to @BumbleBeeNatalie4 for Yoda talk). My plan is to go over there ask nicely why he is staring at me like I'm  a stalker, then kick him where the sun don't shine.

It's an awesome plan, don't you agree?

Once I reached him here is what happened.

"Hi, I'm just wondering why are you staring?"

He flicked my crimson hair, that's right my name is Nemo and I have crimson instead of orange hair DEAL WITH IT!!

"Just wondering, how many times you've dyed your hair to get it to look like sunburn?" Oh hell no, you may insult my name, you may insult my eyes, Heck!! I'll even let you insult Dan or Mike (but not Samantha other wise I'll kick your ass for that) but you should never insult my hair. And my hair is 100% natural!!!

I smiled at him sweetly then, like my plan all along kicked him where the sun don't shine. He cringed in pain while I ran to my next class. I heard him yell something behind me but I could not comprehend it, I really couldn't care less either.

I was the first one in my art class, so I decided to get extra work in on my project. We had to draw something that represented our friends, so it was only logical that I would draw Samantha and I pranking Dan and Mike.

A/N: Sorry for this inconvenient interruption but I just have to point out LOGIC!!! Sorry only my friends will get it.

It had Samantha and I hiding behind the bleachers while we watched Dan and Mike get in trouble for their mysterious neon green hair. I can tell that Dan, Mike and Samantha will literally burst out laughing when they see it because that was a funny day . When the bell rang for the students to come in to class I gave the teacher  my project and she said I could do whatever I wanted for the next hour that was left, as long as I stayed on school grounds.

I decided to turn the gym into an ice-skating rink. There was no gym on until lunch time tomorrow so I will have plenty of time to get it ready. I called a few people that are close family-friends and they own an ice-skating rink, plus they like pranks as much as I do.

In fifteen minutes they somehow got in to the school without being noticed. They brought skates, the smoother thingy ma-bob and basically everything we needed and in half an hour we were done. Since there was only fifteen minutes left of school I decided to test it out, I grabbed a pair of skated and did tricks on the rink. I don't really know how to ice-skate so I probably looked like a weird spastic dolphin to another persons opinion.

I heard the home bell ring so I quickly packed up and ran out of school. I sprinted all the way to my house without saying goodbye to my friends because I knew they'd instantly be at my house. I was correct when I saw Dan's Four wheel drive out front, I entered the house and saw them casually sitting on my couch.


Trying to ignore that they were drinking my coca-cola and eating my food, I filled them in on my marvelous prank but I immediately blew up when I saw Mike about to eat my oreo's.

"OH MOTHER FUDGER GIVE ME MY OREO'S!!!!" I yelled at Mike giving him my death stare. You see, Mike is the sweet heart of the group but when it comes to food he turns into a monster, kind of like me I guess.

He stood up and yelled back"DOES IT HAVE YOUR NAME ON IT?!!"


I turned the box on its side so he could clearly see in big bold letters was:

Nemo Tania Smith.

He smiled at me sheepishly before saying 'oops' then sprinting upstairs. "MIKE MERO MAYHEM GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!!!" I know he has a badass name. I sprinted after him all around the house before it eventually came to chasing after him down the street.

I saw a moter cycles zooming down the street but payed no attention to it as I chased after Mike on the small strip of grass. Eventually I was holding my oreo's protectively in my arms. I stuck my tongue out at Mike before skipping happily up the street.

I opened the door to my house while doing a victory cry.


I heard Samantha, Dan and Mike laugh while I did my victory dance which comsisted of gangnam style, the shuffle and the harlem shake. 

I then pinted to Mike and stated,

"You still owe me oreo's,"

I pouted and gave him my puppy dog eyes which made Samantha chuckle and stand next to me as we pouted. Samantha said as well,

"I get skittles,"

I looked at her in pure disbelief before saying,

"No, smarties are way better,"

"But smarties suck,"

"No they don't,"

"Yes they do,"





"Don't times by one billion trillion mega ga zillions,"

"That's not even a number,"

"To bad" I huffed while walking up to my room knowing they'll either fall asleep in the guest room or go home. I sat at my desk and grabbed out my art book as well as my writing book, honestly I'm a better writer than artist trust me on that. I will most likely never ever be the next Picasso.

My friend Lucy most likely will, she's studying art at university now. Okay, I'm getting off track now, I started drawing random lines and started writing random letters. You see how bored I can get. I decided to go down stairs to see if the guys are still here. They weren't so I decided to  watch a movie.

I put in Insidious, not a good choice if you're home alone is it? The whole time I was screaming at the characters to not go in there anf not open that. I swear these guys are stupid, if I was in a haunted house I'd find a weapon of some sort literally.

It was at that time the door bell rang.


1093 words I'm very proud of myself. And I decided that Dan shall be played by the wonderful Dan Howell/Danisnotonfire. I am obsessed with youtubers and this is not a fanfic to clear that up.


From Ninja

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