Everything in this chapter must be read!!!

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Now you all know what a shitty author I am. Sorry for not updating for the people who were interested in this, I've decided this can wait a couple of months before actually starting this FanFic. But, I started thinking about what could happen when Jem and Magnus reunite, I mean, Jem's a Silent Brother, so I doubt they'd see each other much, if at all. Anyway, here's a little preview (I suppose you'd call it).

By the Way, This is set after all of the wars are over, and considering Malec is my OTP for this Fandom, they HAVE to be together.

*Clary's Pov*

"Wait!" Magnus yelled out, cuddled into Alec's Chest.

Everyone looked at him.

"We're missing someone..." He started saying, but he couldn't continue on, like he was thinking about who it was.

"Like who?" A bitchy Clave member, I didn't recognize asked him.

The doors burst open.

Standing there, was Brother Zachariah.

Tessa jumped up from where she was sitting and ran towards him.

Then Brother Zachariah did something unexpected.

He held out his arms, and hugged her.

She sobbed quietly in his chest.

Everyone looked at them in confusion, except Magnus I noticed from the corner of my eye, who smiled, as if he knew something we didn't.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" *Current Counsel* yelled.

Tessa turned around and scowled at him. Brother Zachariah hugged her tighter and she relaxed into his arms.

"The cure has been found" Brother Zachariah whispered.

But the whole hall was deadly silent, you could hear a pin drop, so we all heard.

"Cure?" Simon boldly asked, voicing everyone else's question.

"My sickness" Brother Zachariah said, in his hollow voice.

Wait....Brother Zachariah has a sickness?

I didn't have any time to ponder this, as Magnus, unexpectedly stood up.

It seemed as though Brother Zachariah's eyes glittered.

"Magnus Bane, it's been years, my friend" He said.

I gasped along with the rest of the hall.

Magnus knew him?

He knew Magnus?

"It's been a long time, James Carstairs" Magnus said, giving a
one-armed hug to him.

Brother Zachariah smiled, or tried to at least, it was hard, when your lips were sown together.

"James Carstairs?" Alec said, "I think, I've read about you, somewhere..."

Brother Zachariah, or should I say 'James' whinced.

"Call me Jem, everyone does" He said.

Tessa smiled and raised an eyebrow.

"And why do those words sound familiar Jem? was it because maybe, you said them when I met you?" She said.

Jem nodded, smiling as much as a Silent Brother can smile.

"Same words I said to Will as well" He said, in monotone.

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