||Chapter 31~Reasons||

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I silently sobbed as Sebastian carried me back to the pink bedroom, covered in a blanket. I was too weak to protest or even move, I just got 15 hard whips on my back. The whip wasn't thin enough to make me bleed, but it still hurt. It hurt so bloody much I was exhausted from all the pain.
He placed me gently on my stomach on the bed and I slightly winced.
"Now, now. It wasn't even that bad. I went easy on you." He said and I wanted to stab him with a knife more than ever. But I felt more sadness than regret or the will to kill him and feed his body to the piranhas. I just wanted to cry.
I felt him sit next to me.
"Can you leave me alone, please?" I whispered and hoped he would leave.
"Sure. I'll bring you something to eat since you haven't eaten anything." He sighed and walked out of the room. I heard the doors click and I buried my head into the pillow. Damon...

||Damon's POV||
I drank the whole cup of coffee in one go and turned back to Xavier. We've been sitting on making the list of suspect all night.
"How about Larry Logan? He was your rival last year and-" Xavier read from one of the two hundred papers on the floor.
"No that guy's a pussy." I argued and read through some other paper. We both froze as we heard my phone ring.
They found her. That was my first thought and I grabbed the phone very quickly.
"Please tell me you've found her." I said desperately with hope in my eyes as I answered the call.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Queen. We found the car in which she was taken in, but it was thrown off a cliff and everything's damaged. We'll keep trying, sir. She's probably alive, it wasn't even that long since the kidnapping-" I hung up and threw the phone against the wall.
I will find her. Even if it's the last thing I do.
"Xavier. Time to call the professionals."

||Natalie's POV||
He came back about ten minutes later with a new tray filled with food. I sat up and covered the blanket around my body. He noticed my struggle and walked to the wardrobe and pulled out a bra and a pink shirt. He threw them to me and I looked at him, wanting him to turn around. He sighed and turned around.
I painfully put on the bra and the shirt, wincing here and there. After I was done, he turned back around and sat next to me on the bed.
"Eat." He said as he grabbed a strawberry. I was definitely not going to argue so I slowly started eating the mashed potatoes with a salad and roasted chicken.
I'm not gonna lie, it was delicious.
I ate it all and drank the orange juice quickly. Sebastian sat next to me and watched me.
"Are you still hungry?" He asked when I was done and I shook my head no.
"Use your words." He almost warned and I shivered.
"N-no." I whispered.
"No... sir." I said nervously. He sighed.
"No, kitten. I told you to call me Daddy. But sir is also okay." I think I'm gonna be sick.
"Okay?"I thought about it.
"Yes...?" He said a little annoyed.
"Yes, sir." I said with a husky voice and he smirked. You're not my daddy, even though you're just as sick as my real one. Well, my step daddy.
"Good girl. Now why won't you clean yourself up while I have some business to attend to." He said and again, I wasn't going to argue if it meant not seeing him.
"Yes, sir." I whispered and he kissed my cheek. I tried to stop myself but I grimaced. He luckily ignored it and walked towards the doors.
"I'll see you in the evening, kitten." He said as he looked at me and smiled. I looked away.
"If I see that you've tried to escape in any way, your punishment won't be so gentle. And just so you know, there is no way to escape this place, I've got it all set up specially for you, kitten." I looked at him and wanted to cry.
"Got it?" He asked more harshly and I looked down.
"Yes sir." I said and he left.
Sadistic asshole.

||Damon's POV||
I crossed the street towards the club. I entered it and almost immediately to my sight came strippers and drunk men. I walked impatiently along the booths to find him. I saw his sitting alone with a hoodie on, sipping scotch. I quickly slid in and looked at him. His face had many little scars and his eyes looked almost threatening. I liked him. I took the cheque out of my pocket and slid it towards him. He took it.
"20 million, as you wanted. All I want in return is that you guarantee you'll find her. Alive. As soon as possible." I whispered and he looked me dead in the eyes. He shook his head yes.
I slipped a pile of documents in a plastic folder towards him.
"That's all the information you asked for. There's my private phone number in there if you need anything else." I added and he took everything and looked around. Then he looked back at me.
"She's alive." He said in a deep voice. 
"How do you know?"
"If whoever took her because of you, they would've already made contact with you or ask for ransom. Whoever took her, took her for a different reason than for money or revenge. And I'm going to find out exactly what it is." He said before walking away. I sat there and finished his scotch as I welcomed another sleepless night.
My head was filled with her. I'm going to rip the skin off off the person who did this to her. I just hope she's alright, where ever she is...

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