"your" living.

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Unknown: You know you can't ignore me forever, I'm you're father.

Me: Talk to me when you know the difference between 'you're' and 'your'.

Okay, I know I should have kept ignoring the dick but come on, know the proper usage of words. It didn't help that he thought it was a good idea to text someone in the middle of the night. He was a couple of hours behind but he should have known when it would be okay to text someone. Plus he knew I blocked his ass, I didn't know why he was using some other phone to message me.

"You okay?" Thorin yawned.

I blinked a few times, thinking about whether or not I should tell him that I was being harassed by a forty-year-old man who I didn't want to talk to. "Yeah, I'm fine." It was one of the nights that Thorin had taken a break from fighting so I didn't want to really disturb him. "Just go back to sleep." Verbally destroying my dad would take some of my concentration, not a lot but I still didn't need any distraction.

Unknown: I'll talk to you when I please because you're my daughter.

"Are you sure?" Thorin gave me a little kiss on the back of my neck, gently squeezing the arm that was around me. He sounded tired, really tired. I didn't really want to disturb him because I was worried that he wasn't getting enough sleep.

Me: Wow. Out of all of the hurtful things that you have said to me, that one takes the cake.

"Mhm." My brows furrowed, waiting for the Dickwad to answer me. It was clear to see it was going to be one of the nights that I would fight with him. For some reason, these nights have been more frequent and he kept texting me. I didn't know what the dumb ass was thinking when texting me, knowing that I was ready to fight him.

Dickwad: Very funny Flora, I see that you have grown a sense of humor over the years.

Me: Yes, I did.

I began to pray that he would just end it right there. It was early in the morning and my sleep schedule was off.  Thanks to Thorin, I was done taking any extra doses of caffeine besides coffee or tea. I needed my sleep, it's an important thing that everyone needs. Even Dickwad needed his sleep to fuel his nastiness.

"I'll go to bed if you give me a kiss." Thorin yawned, allowing me to hear just how tired he was.

I turned over and landed one of Thorin's lips. He kissed me back, placing his hand on the back of my head. It wasn't really the time to be having a moment with Thorin but then again, I liked that better than talking to my father. Even thinking the words burned.

"Go back to sleep soon, okay?" My cheeks were cupped by his hands. I nodded, reassuring Thorin that I would. Which I would after I tell Dickwad to never text me again. It shouldn't take me too long.

Dickwad: You know Flora, we all grow. We change, I've changed and I really want you to see that.

Me: Too bad that I will never ever, I mean ever, will live with you again. Buuuuuut nice try dude. Have a nice life.

Dickwad: Flora, I've tried being nice.

Me: You considered this being nice?

Seriously? That was the best he could do?

Dickwad: We're going to get something clear, right now.

Dickwad: I am the adult in this situation and what I say, goes. I am your father and I've been asking you very nicely to live with me but now I'm getting mad.

Me: Good, it means that this little fake cover that you tried to have is coming off.

Dickwad: Choose your words wisely, Flora.

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