Part 4

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Maddie's pov
'He just had to wake me up at 8 in the morning and record me calling myself ugly' I sigh 'welp I better go take a shower' my brain however wants to see what's going on with Jonah and Travis so I stay there watching them. Silently laughing to myself seeing at how flustered Travis looks. 'I'm going to do what he did to me just for some good blackmail' he's walking
this way. I start skipping down the hall to get my phone so I can record him. I grab it putting the voice recorder on and hide it behind my back. Giggling to my self I walk back out into the hall to see Travis jumping up and holding his hand out to Jonah.
(Time skip til concert)
Maddie's pov

"This is so exciting" I inform Travis

"Yeah" he replies absentmindedly.

"What has you all distracted" I knowingly ask

"Nothing nothing at all" I laugh in my head at how clueless he is to me knowing that he has a coffee date with a certain someone named Jonah. I also giggle to myself knowing that I have a lunch date with Daniel seavey. 'Sigh'
Travis pov
'Oh my lord' I think 'I'm going to die today' as I try to concentrate on the music I start to nod my head to it gently because I don't want brain damage.
(Time skip to almost end of concert)
As most of the fans are singing along to runner I have to stop as I watch Jonah take his shirt off looking directly at me and winking. Forcing my eyes off of the god in front of me I look down my face getting red. I look back up to see him still starring at me with a smile while he sings

"I just need a little time

To prove to you that I'm on something different, I know you've been hurt before
But you don't have to run from me, I'm on your side" sighing a little I think 'if only you knew how true that really is'. Next thing I know he's jumping off stage and wading through the many fangirls touching his naked chest. I'm trying to not get jealous because he isn't even mine and he probably just thinks of me as just a friend who he's buying coffee for. While I was ranting to myself I didn't notice that he was making his way towards me. But someone decided to be nice and tap my shoulder pointing at Jonah making quick but confident strides in my direction. He stops in front of me and holds his hand out expecting me to take it. I just stare at it with a questioning look. He rolls his eyes and grabbed my hand and pulled me behind him.

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