Chapter 16

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~ Readers prospective ~

My breathing began to slow down, the pain on my finger was so overwhelming , it was such a little wound but I never expected something this small to hurt this bad. Talking to Bum helped me distract myself, it was always so heartwarming to be with him. I always felt a lot safer being with him.

Some time passed, it took about an hour for the door to fly open revealing Sangwoo on the other side, making my head immediately turn towards the door.

The old dusty floor creaked as Sangwoo grew closer and closer to our cold bodies. I forced my tired eyes to stare back at Sangwoos, he gave me a weak grin.

It took me a moment to realize he was carrying a grocery bag in one of his hands. My stomach growled in hunger realizing what could be inside.

Sangwoo must've seen my eyes light up, starring at the bag. He placed his hand inside the bag, taking out a can of porridge, opening it, and handing a can to me, and a can for Bum.

It seemed like it only took me seconds to finish that whole can, when was the last time I ate?

Sangwoo just casually stood above us, waiting for us to finish. Once our stomachs were full, Sangwoo took our cans away, throwing them back in the bag.

The atmosphere was a little awkward from the silence, but Sangwoo soon broke it after bending down to my eye level, and gently lifting up my right hand. He seemed a little worried from his face expression, but it was probably an act.

"(Y/n), how's your finger doing...?" I could feel my face blush a little.

"B-better, thank you..." I tried so hard not to stutter, but I'm always so nervous around Sangwoo.

His worried expression soon changed to a pleased smile, just his expression itself gives me goosebumps, I was afraid of what he's going to do next.

He took out a bandage from the bag, and began to wrap my finger up, adding red splats to the white bandage.
"T-thank you, Sangwoo..."

He soon stood up, checking on Bum, bandaging up some of his cuts as well.

The bandage didn't do much, but the fact that it's just there calms me down a bit more. Sangwoo can be pretty scary, but at least he still cares for us.

Once Sangwoo was finished with Bum, he leaned over towards his ankle, unchaining him to the wall, soon doing the same to me.

I gently pressed my hand against my black and blue ankle, flinching a bit at the pain. Why the hell are we even here? I wanted to ask Sangwoo many questions, but I was afraid, so I never bothered.

Sangwoo quickly stood back up after untying me, and took a deep breath. "I think we should head back"

What? That was it? What the hell was the purpose in coming here??

I couldn't take it anymore, I needed answers, was this all just for his sick entertainment??

I opened my mouth to say something, but Sangwoo interrupted me. "Some dickhead of a cop is getting a little suspicious, so I decided to bring you guys out here to have a little fun while I waited for him to loose his suspicion." He wrapped his arms around each other like the sentence he just said was normal.

Damn, if Sangwoo wasn't so ahead, that would've been a good chance.

I didn't know how to respond, before I could think of one, Sangwoos strong hands grabbed me, picking me up and leading me back to the car. The trunk was wide open, letting Sangwoo throw me inside.

I struggled to get up but Sangwoo jumped inside the trunk as well, closely leaning towards my body.

I could feel my face burn with embarrassment.

"S-Sangwoo... What are y-you...?" I couldn't even finish my thoughts, Sangwoos lips met mine.

Why now.

Once our lips unlocked, Sangwoo stood back up, and left back towards the building to retrieve Bum.

The trunk was still wide open, maybe I can get out in time?? It might be hard with my legs but.... I still feared for my life, is that what's holding me back? Or is it something else....?

Sangwoo soon came back with Bum in his arms, roughly throwing him in the car, and slamming the trunk behind him. Sangwoo sat in the front, started the car, and began to drive.

I didn't notice on the way here, but we were riding on a backroad the whole time.

My finger began to sting, making me flinch and look down at the blood covered bandage. I gave out a loud sigh, and drifted off to sleep.


The loud sound of the trunk of the car opening woke me up, I could barely open my eyes, but I could feel Sangwoo lift me up, and carry me back to the car. Once my eyes adjusted, I was already laying on Sangwoos bed. It was so soft, I haven't laid on something this comfortable in a long time.

Sangwoo soon came back with Bum in his arms, walking down in the basement. He soon reappeared out of the basement, with Bum missing from his arms.

He soon laid down next to me, coving himself and I in his blanket.

"Goodnight, (y/n)"

(A/n) hope u guys liked this chapter :) TYSM FOR 5k+ READS!!! I love u all!!

Ok so I'm going to try to update at least once a week

I'm going to start a Yoonbum X reader soon as well :,)

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