
14 1 2

I woke up with the biggest headache I could possibly have. It was around one p.m and I needed to get better in order to be capable of cleaning the rest of the house, or at least , the kitchen and the hall. I grabbed a bottle of water and headed downstairs, where I left my medicine bag. I took a painkiller pill and went back to my room.

It's still raining outside! Well, at least I don't have to worry about the heat.

I found myself staring at the view in front of me. The yard was drowning, the flowers were all destroyed and even though it was one p.m it was dark outside.

Usually this kind of weather calms me, but now I get anything but peace to my heart and my mind.

I decided to call my grandma so I started looking for my phone.

I wish I was a little more of an organized person. As soon as I found the telephone I dialed my grandma's number. After a couple of rings, she picked up.

"Hello! Davina, how are you honey? Did you make it there safe?" she questioned.

"Yeah, I got here safe, even though the weather here is pretty bad." I said looking outside the window again.

"Did you make yourself comfortable?"she asked.

"Yeah, though I have to clean the whole house as soon as possible. I forgot to ask you granny, is Mrs. and Mr. Carter still living in this neighborhood? It would be perfect if I wasn't alone in the middle of nowhere." I said and sighed.

"Oh, yes sweetheart, they do. Actually I'm going to call Mrs. Carter and tell her about your arrival. She is going to be so happy to see you again." She said gladly.

"I'm sure of that. I really liked having tea with her, she would tell me lots of stories about fairies and witches. And the library she had! Oh my God, it was amazing! I think it's the largest library I ever saw in my life." I enthusiastically  said. 

Yes, I know. Honey, I'm  sorry but I have to hung up, your Grandpa is calling me. I don't know what he needs but if it's about that damn car again I swear I will start trying my new hammer on it's window glasses. I'll call you later. Take care , sweety ! "

"Ok ,ok, love you, bye! " I said while putting the phone on the bed.

My eyes lock on the notebook on the nightstand.

I totally forgot about last night! Was that a dream?

I quickly got the notebook and opened it, unable to contain my curiosity. Unfortunately or not, nothing happened.

It's clear, I'm going crazy! All this loneliness does me no good. What should I do? Oh, jeepers, how could I forget? I have all the damn house to clean!

As soon I walked out the door I got a thrilling sensation. It was like my temperature suddenly dropped. I felt my heart pumping blood on a chaotic speed, I could feel my blood flowing through my veins.

Am I having a panic attack? What's happening to me?

I fell on my knees, exhausted and taking big breaths. My head was spinning, my mouth was dry. I felt hot tears falling on my cheeks, my vision was blurry.
I closed my eyes hoping that would help my headache, but when I opened them my heart stopped as I saw a black blurry silhouette. A shadow standing at the end of the hallway. I tried to scream, but my mouth wouldn't move an inch. My mind was telling me to move, scream , run but I was too terrified to. I closed my eyes, trying to see clearer, but I couldn't. It was like a hat a veil over my eyes and the tears just wouldn't stop.
After a few seconds I found enough courage and power to raise myself from the ground. I hold onto the wall and pushed myself as hard as I could until I was on my two feet. The silhouette was still there, with it's head down. But as soon as I opened my mouth to scream, it started moving towards me. I froze and my mind went blank. All I could do was to stand there and watch as the worst nightmare was heading towards me. As it came closer, I managed to see clearer, the silhouette was definitely a man, a much taller person than me, who had a black coat on. I couldn't get my eyes off it, in fear that it would be the last time I saw something.

Breath, Davina, breath! For God's sake, don't let it kill you!

I took a long breath and took a step ahead, leaving the wall and standing tall, praying to God for some more time and power so I could run. But it was too late, he was in front of me.
It wasn't the dark figure in front of me that caught my attention, it was the thing that looked like a black fog, more like smoke he left behind. All his silhouette was surrounded by smoke, yet it smelled like nothing.
I closed my eyes once again, and opened them looking straight into where his face should be, instead I saw his black hood, as he stood still.

Why is he not attacking? What should I do? I can't even run in this state that I am.

He moved, his hands going up, and starting to move his hood, revealing his face, or what I thought it will be his face. It was all dark under the good, I could only see a shadow, it was like nothing but darkness was there.

I started breathing hard, unable to contain my emotions. I was never as afraid as I am right now.
Is this how a demon looks? Is this a demon?
I couldn't take my eyes off it. But then, he opened his eyes.
This can not be happening. This can not be real! They are red! But like a second ago were green. What the hell?

The bloody red eyes watched me, eyeing me from head to toe. I stood frozen, like a plastic doll. My mind was going crazy, all the courage left me. I felt how the initial state I had came back, my heart pouting hard, and the room became too small to breathe. I couldn't move. It was all clear now. I was too weak to run or fight.
I saw the shadow closing it's eyes, and then suddenly disappearing. It was like it wasn't even there. The smoke and the shadow were gone.

What the hell? Where did he go? How could he escape so fast? Was it even real? I can't be going crazy! Of course it was real!
My mind was split between convincing myself it was real and looking for help.
I collapsed on the floor and started to breath harder, thirsty for air. After I managed to get up, I headed downstairs and started looking in all the rooms. I was frantically searching for the entity, or some clue of how he got outside the house so quickly.
Scared of the thought that all this might have been just a dream, I got a needle and pinched my finger. I felt it.
It was so real, the pain and the blood.
I run upstairs to call the police. 

Wait! What the hell can I tell them? That I just saw the devil? They will think that I'm crazy. I'm alone ... or not so alone. And how come that it didn't do anything? Why didn't  it  hurt me or kill me?  

Hello, darlings! Sorry for being late with this update. Hope you enjoyed. Don't forget to comment your thoughts! Love ~

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