07 • Broken Mirrors And Dates

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The day after all the craziness, Nia was actually up early. Mal and Evie were still sleeping when she woke up, so Nia went outside. She found the garden very calming so she went there whenever she felt like she needed to calm down.

The brunette yelped when her eyes were covered. "It's just me." Nia moved his hands from her eyes so she could see again. "God, Ben. You scared me!" He laughed at her. "I didn't mean to scare such a beautiful face." Nia felt her cheeks turning pink and she looked to the ground. Ben lifted her up with this fingers so they were eye to eye. "I was thinking, do you maybe wanna go out with me tonight?" Her eyes widened. "Um, sure." His face lit up as he smiled as bright as a star. "Great. I'll pick you up at 6." He gave her cheek a quick kiss before he walked back to the building.


Later that day, Evie was eager to help Nia get ready for her date. "Sit still. I need to do your blush." She told the brunette. "Keep it simple. Don't want to scare him away." Nia laughed. She wouldn't mind it if she scared him away from here. "Please. My mom taught me how to apply blush before I could talk." Evie scoffed.

"My mom only taught me magic." Mal and Evie looked at the girl with sympathetic looks. They felt bad for her that she never really had a mother. Even though Nia was very young when her mother died, they never really had a good bond. Her mother mostly used her for her own being.

"We're going to need all the family we can get if we don't pull this off." Mal told the two. "My mother's not a barrel og laughs when she doesn't get her way." Evie piped up. "Just ask Snow White."

"Are you afraid of her?" Nia asked her blue-haired friend. "Sometimes." She answered her. "What about you, Mal?" Nia looked at het. "I just really want her to be proud of me." Mal was being as truthful as she could. "She gets so angry with me when I disappoint her. And yeah, she's my mom, so I know she loves me. In her own way." The room turned silent.

"Moving on. Come see." Evie dragged the brunette off her bed and towards the mirror in their room. Nia stared into the mirror and suddenly it was like she was back on the Isle.

"You are so beautiful."

The mirror shattered as she was brought back to their room. "Nia, are you okay?" She breathed very heavily. "I'm fine. I just had a moment." She couldn't get him out of her mind. "I don't think I can do this." There was a knock on the door and Nia started to panic. "Of course you can. You're Nia. You're strong, fearless and don't let anything get to you. You can do this." Both Evie and Mal pulled her into a hug.

Nia went to the door to open it. She looked back at her friends before she turned the knob around and opened the door. On the other side stood a speechless Ben. "For the first time, I understand the difference between pretty and beautiful." The brunette's cheeks turned red and she looked to the ground. "I hope you like bikes." He said and help up two helmets. "Are you kidding? I love them." The prince reached for her hand and they walked out.


The pair of brunettes walked down a wooden bridge that they had gone to. "Tell me something about yourself." Ben told her, walking behind her. "What do you want to know?" Nia asked him. "What's your middel name?" She turned around to look at the prince. "Gordoun." She told him all serious. "Really?" Nia nodded her head. "I got it from my dad." The petit brunette walked backwards on the bridge not breaking eye contact with Ben. "Mines Florian." She chuckled slightly. "How prince-like" She laughed.

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