Chapter 1

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After a lot of thought I have decided to add another chapter I hope you guys like this better, but i won't unless you comment so please do!!!!

You know sometimes I hate being half tiger. I mean sure being able to see like a mile away or run super-fast or smell what’s going to be for lunch is fun, but I all so have to hear every little thing people say about me.

Like, “Who is that?”, “What’s with their eyes?”, “Is their hair really that color?”, “Is that a boy or a girl?” What a second that’s what I forgot! Silly me, well for the record I’m a girl but not a girly girl a tomboy, which for those who don’t know what that means it is a girl who acts like or does stuff like a boy.

This means that if I hear one more thing about me I may be kicked out of school for fighting on the first day. Then again if I fight as a tiger people will just think some zoo animal got loose, but then again I could lose control and hurt someone, but then again if it was one of those idiots by that tree laughing at me it would be worth it, but no mom would want me to live a normal, human life at least a school.

So I don’t start a fight I went in the school and to the office and got my ID and stuff, luckily mom filled out all the paper work so I’m set. I will just need to get a job before the money mom left runs out.

I walked to the lunch room to get my books which to me were light as a feather but looking at the other kids you would think they weighted a thousand pounds. They were dropping them and making other people carry them.

I mean really even if I didn’t have the added on strength of a tiger I bet I would be fine carrying these books. After watching everyone drop their books a least two times I left the lunchroom and went to find my first period class.

My schedule said I had Mr. Zacabog, ha what kind of name is that even my last name isn’t that bad, which is Bite. Yeah I know tiger-bite ha ha but my mom said that when she met dad he said call him Bite so I asked her if that could be my last name and she said “Sure.” So I lied before, I do know something about my dad that is if that was even his real name.

Anyway from then on I was and will always be known as Taylor Bite. This, by the way, is still a way better name than Zacabog.

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