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Chapter Thirty Three

Omega's POV

We sat there in comfortable silence not speaking a single word, my arms were still wrapped around Skye, and same goes to her too, we pulled away with a slight smile on our faces. Now onto the next task. I looked at Skye with a beaming smile, she raised her eyebrow in confusion as to why I was so happy all of a sudden.

"Skye, I just accumulated enough energy to flash us" I said, she smirked.

"That's good news" She said.

"It's probably best if we leave now" I said, she raised her eyebrow in confusion.

"It's literally midnight, why would we flash at midnight" Skye said.

"The time zones are different, It will probably be day on Earth, the sun on this planet's solar system is far faster than the one on the Milky Way" I stated, she nodded in response.

"Okay ready yourself up while I go give the key back to the clerk" I said walking down the flight of stairs, I went to the main lobby, the lobby was empty, not even one person was inside, besides the clerk, everyone was probably sleeping, I mean, I would sleep, it's tricking midnight. I went to the clerk leaning on the counter, the clerk looked up lazily with a half of his eyelids closed, probably sleep deprived.

I sighed and handed the guy the key, the clerk gave off a small smile and placed the key to where it belongs. I walked back to the room going through flights of stairs, I rounded the corner and accidentally bumped onto Skye, I yelped in surprise and landed on my butt. 

"Ow" I said, she stuck her tounge out, I chuckled, I missed these moments.

"Now, ready to go to earth" I asked. She nodded.

"Of course I am" She said with enthusiasm.

"Well I'm not" I said rubbing th e back of my neck, if we flashed to Earth it means seeing Annabth, and I was not looking forward to that. I touched her shoulder and concentrated, the molecules began to travel at light speed going from planet to planet, solar system to solar system. My body felt like it was going through a very rough time, it felt like my body was being torn off limb from limb and miraculously attached back together with glue and tape.

We landed with a thud onto the solid ground, we were instantly inside Camp Half Blood, unfortunately, the flash attracted lots of campers, they swarmed us forming a crowd around us with curious looks on their faces, Skye already had her hood up while I, well let's just say I didn't need a hood. I sighed and plowed through the swarm of campers and went straight to the Chaos Cabin, I grabbed Skye's hand and literally dragged her to the Chaos Cabin, the said daughter of Order yelped in surprise yelling protests until she managed to catch up and steady herself.

I opened the door to the Chaos Cabin, the fine wood creaking onto the sudden movement, the living room had no one in it, the kitchen was empty, the halls were desolate, the training room was barren. I had a confused look on my face as Skye shut the door, Skye and I shared a look of confusion until I felt a sudden small voice that managed to reach my ears. My ears perked up, I placed a hand on my ear trying to hear the voice more clearly.

"Do you hear that?" I asked, she shrugged listening to.

"Yeah, I just don't know what it is" Skye said trying to listen and figure out what it was. The voice was growing louder and louder a second a small whisper echoing throughout the Chaos cabin. I widened my eyes in realization, I gave of a gulp, Skye looked at me with curious eyes. I sighed pointing at the halls, suddenly dozens upon dozens of familiar faces came stumbling down onto the living room as if they were zombies from World War Z, each of them saying words like.

"It's Omega" 

"The Omegs"

"Commander Idiot" 

Somewhere along those lines. Suddenly the army members jumped onto me embracing me in a tight hug, I widened my eyes as the oxygen supply was suddenly cut off. Skye fake coughed, everyone turned their heads towards her.

"I'm pretty sure Humans aren't supposed to turn blue" Skye said, the army members looked at me and indeed my face was turning blue from the lack of oxygen. They let go as I breathed in relief trying to get as much oxygen onto my system as fast as possibly can.

"Where were you" Alpha asked.

"We went hiking, unfortunately that hiking was interrupted by Giants" I said with a sigh, Skye tensed up a bit remembering the thing that happened with her home, I gave her a look of sorry, I forgot that the subject was still quite fresh, and I prefer to keep my friendship with Skye in tact.

"Dude you were gone for a whole two weeks" Castor said, I widened my eyes.

"No way how" I said.

"Time flies by differently in that planet, that's my guess" Skye said with a shrug.

"We're there monster attacks?" I asked

"Yep, a total of five of them" Nico said holding up five fingers.

"No worries we kicked the monsters in their arse" Beckendorf said with a smirk, I sighed in relief, I looked at the army with a raised eyebrow.

"What did you do while I was gone?" I asked

"You know, play video games, ignore that your gone, then wait until the final minute and act like we missed you" Lee said, I chuckled.

"I'm feeling the love" I said rolling my eyes. I stood up dusting the dust from my shirt.

"So what games did you play?" I whispered with a slight smirk.

"Oh Ethan, Lee, and Castor all played video games, the rest of us, well, we played Dare or Die" Zoë said with a slight smile. I face palmed, Dare or Die was basically truth or dare, we invented it a couple of decades back, there was a truth machine in the middle, you either pick a dare, and you would do the dare, and if you pick die, you either die of embarrassment because the truth machine would spit something emberssing, or your soul leaves your body in an out of body experience, it was fun to be honest.

I sighed, this was one heck of a mission.

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