First day at a new school

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I say at my desk drawing a picture of a nife I enjoy very much listening to my favorite song. It's called 'Im gonna kill you in your sleep.' (This is a real song btw!)

"I'm gonna kill you in your sleep! So you better try and try try to keep your left eye open and the right one twitchen, couse' I'm in the kitchen with the nife that's itchin for your fresh blood! On the white sheets!" I sang alittle bit. Dont judge.

Then I finished my picture and got ready for the day. I woke up way to early this morning to go back to sleep, I wasn't tired. And now it's time to get ready for school. I don't have anything really to get ready with so I just got dressed in a Westwood suit and put on a black tie with skulls. My FAVORITE tie! If anything happend to it i would die... Not really.

I went downstairs and grabbed the toast that was in the toaster assuming it was for me and grabbed my backpack. Then I looked at my watch,

"5:55" I have time to get to the bus, no worries. I stood at the bus stop for a minute and saw it. It stopped.

"First and last name." They asked. Great! They asked you for your first AND last name...

"Jim M-Moriarty." My voice was alittle shaky when I said that and ill admit it. I went to go sit down and finally found and empty seat in the back. I sighed.

"What's up mate?" A voice came towards me then someone started looking at me.

"Nothing." I replyed.

"Loki Lauffeyson." He out out his hand for me to shake. I shoot his hand and at the same time said "Jim Moriarty".

"So uh.. Scared or etleast NERVOUS for your first day?" He asked, his hair was black and pointy at the end. To be honest, I didn't really know what he was wearing. It was like...Armourish, and alot of green. He didnt have a hat on. Good. I hate hats.

"I'm a 9th year. You?" He asks alot of questions...

"Uh, same."


"Loki, whos your friend?"

"Oh get out of my life Thor.." He shoved his face away. I tryed to hold it in but couldn't and started to laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"Sorry. Sorry it's just-" I started cracking up.

"The way you just told him to get out of your life and the way you just shoved his face away from you I find very funny." He chuckled.

"I've never really been the sociable person and not the one to make friends easy. I have any interest in being crowned and becoming king." Loki wasn't finished talking but after I heard that I immediately thought of how much alike we were.

I have always wanted to steal the crown jewels and one day I will. Ill be king and no one will do shit about it. The next stop someone named John Watson and Sherlock Holmes and this 11th year (could tell from how tall and old he looks) named Mycroft Holmes. Apparently Sherlocks brother. Then another 11th year named Greg Lestrade. Then ANOTHER 11th year named Phill Anderson. Then a 9th year named Molly Hooper. None of us guys really felt comfortable talking to a girl on the first day at a new school.

Our school goes from 9th year to 12th year. Then more stops and this kid name Doctor got on the bus. 'Who the hell names there child Doctor?' His real name is 'The Doctor' though. And this blonde haired girl named Rose Tyler got on the bus after him. We all sat near each other and Loki started making conversation. Soon we were all talking about our interests and agreed to sit at lunch together.

Well... Only Doctor, Loki, Sherlock and John of course. We got to school and went to our lockers. We got our lockers a week before school started. Oddly enough we were all in the same homeroom. Even Molly to. I had a locker next to Sherlock and Loki.

We put our stuffs ( yes there is an unneeded s.. deal with it!) in them and went to homeroom. We all had Mr. F. That wasn't his real name but everyone says they call him that couse' he purposely FAILS some of his students. Now that's just bullshit.

We all got to homeroom and desided to sit near eachother. We talked about things that didnt matter and things that made us laugh. Mr. F heard us laughing and came over and immidiatly looked at me... Of fucking course it's me.

"I'm gonna fail you." He said.

"Did your moms birth control fail to?" I said in a comeback. The WHOLE class OOOOOHED! I sat there leaning back in my chair grinning. Then I put up my hands sideways and Loki and Doctor high fived me.

I'm gonna make this year interesting...

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