chapter 16

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Previously on our litte girl (odas)...

We nodded our heads and left to find our mum. We saw her watering the garden.

"Hey mum,We have decided to..........

Present time...

"Hey mum, We have decided to stick with tiara. We couldn't just let her go or leave for that matter. We're sorry for picking her over ruling the kingdom," with that we left the castle, feeling happy about our decision.

The boys' mom:

I'm proud of them. They sacrificed their own crown to protect their friend/own daughter from any danger. I taught them so well but I can feel a storm brewing. I'm worried now even though I'm happy for them. Edward would try to take tiara away and we can't have that. I walked towards my mirror.

"Mirror, mirror in the wall show me the future of the boys and tiara,"

Third person pov (in the mirror):

The world turn as dark as the nightmares in dreams. There stand a battle of the century full of warriors from the light and darkness.No one will know who will win. Standing in the middle of the battle field, are the boys and Edward. With tiara lying in the middle of the field.

"Let's end this now,boys. We finished this brother style. I will win and taking tiara with me,forever." Edward said.

"Not a chance,bro. Tiara is gonna suffer when she is with you. Give her to us and no one needs to get hurt. Tiara is already injured from the battle let us have her.

"NO!!!! THAT'S NEVER GONNA HAPPEN," with that they start attacking.

Niall quickly grabbed tiara.....

The boys' mom pov:

It suddenly end at niall picking her up.I need to know more but it will be hopeless. I hope the boys made the right desicion. That battle will happen anytime soon.

Louis' pov:

We knew about the battle of the century and we tend to keep tiara safe from...him.None of us wanted tiara to be near him. All of us are afraid that she will be taken or worst killed....

"Don't worry Lou, tiara is gonna be fine. We will protect tiara from any danger," slince came over us and it's the comfortable one.

We flew to where tiara is sleeping peacefully. I wish she could stay that way. I guess it's night time now. I look around and saw a plate of cookies. I walked up to the cookies and saw that the cookies were decorated by our names. Liam walked beside me.

"Hey, there's a note.

It says,

Dear boys,

If you chose to stay,I'm happy. I made this cookies for you. Please help yourself but if you choose to be kings and came by to say goodbye, I wish you guys all the best. I can't believe I'm saying this but without you guys I wouldn't be this happy. I would still be stuck with my father and still being abuse and bullying. I wish you guys for the best in your ruling.

Still if you stay, I wouldn't be upset. I'm still happy for you guys even if you choose to not be here. If you love someone, gotta let them go. That's what my mum told me to do. I just hope you boys made a great decision.


Tiara must have written this while we were gone. Niall went up to tiara sleeping figure and cuddled up to her. Tiara smiled contently. We are so proud of her. She's our little girl and nothing is gonna take her away from us.

Edward's pov:

Are you really sure my little brother. Let the battle begin my brothers. When I win, she will be mine. All the guardian angels kids will be ours to take forever.

"Your majesty, is it time,yet?" My servant asked.

"Yes, it's time. Bring all the warriors to the field at once," I said to him as he rushed to grab my army.

Watch out brothers,I'm coming....

Boys' mother pov:

"Your highness," Jeremy called.

"Bring my army and sent a letter to my sons that the war has began, and to bring their little girl as I would protect for them with my whole life," with that he left to sent my message and grab my army.

The war has began. I won't let tiara get envolved with it. The future has not started yet. I will do anything in my power to prevent that part of the future to be seen or play through. Boys, please be prepare for the worst has yet to come in this grousome battle.....

Niall's pov:

I have a strange feeling in my soul. Something is not right here.

"What's wrong,niall?" Louis asked.

"I have a strange feeling about something bad...." that's all I told them.

A light appear out of no where. After sometime, We saw a piece paper lying there in its place.Zayn went ahead to pick it up.

"It says,

Dear boys,

A war is coming. I need you to returned at once with your girl. We would keep her safe while you guys are in battle. Your brother, Edward has began a war and he would not stop at nothing to have her. You must fight in the war to save tiara and everyone. Please do understand. The war will begin at sundown....boys,please make the right choice as this is made in your little girl's life...

Mum   "

This can't be happening. Harry walked towards tiara's sleeping figure and picked her up gently.

"What are you doing Harry?"  Zayn whispered.

"Taking tiara to mum. We want her safe and not in danger. We must protect her no matter what,"Harry said with determination.

You gotta admit it was a smart thing to do. I nodded along with the idea of keeping tiara safe. I know that the rest of the boys silently agreed to the plan. I hope this is not gonna be a bloody battle ....

The battle seems to becoming. Let's hope the boys prepare for the worst. I will leave this cliffhanger for while and I hope to see you in my next chapter. Byeeeee.....

P.S, sorry for not updating for a while now. I just studying my exam. Getting it to improve. I hope you guys understand. I'm also slowly running out of ideas but in the next chapter will be intresting.......

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