Chapter 25

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Lauren's pov.
I woke up and felt strong arms around my waist.

I smiled to myself as I remembered what happened last night.

Y/n really was breaking my walls.

But I had to stay strong.

"Good morning." She whispered in my ear as I turned to her.

She sleepily smiled at me and I pecked her lips.

"You know what you haven't told me?" I asked.

Last night, I got a call from Y/n's parents.

They asked me how Y/n was and how she celebrated her birthday.

I didn't know her birthday was a couple of days ago.

"What?" She asked hugging my waist tighter.
"You didn't tell me that you had your birthday." I mumbled playing with her hair.
"Oh. Yeah." She mumbled.

"Why didn't you say?" I asked pulling her hairs a bit, making her sigh.
"You were so busy with your stuff and I completely forgot." She said sighing.

My phone suddenly rang and I to my side turned to get it.

I got it from the nightstand and answered the call, not looking at caller id.

"Hey sweetie." My mom greeted.
"Hey. What's up?" I asked.
"We got the cops." She answered.
"Good. Thanks. I'll meet you in my office." I said and ended the call.

I stood up and pulled Y/n with me to the bathroom.

"I'm sorry again for last night." She whispered as I wrapped my arms around her neck.
"It's alright." I mumbled and we hugged for a couple of minutes.


"Who called you?" She asked fixing her shirt and dusting her pants.
"My mom. We're going to my office instead of Shawn's hotel room." I answered and put make up on.

"You really don't need that." I heard her mutter in her breath.

"What?" I asked putting my eyeliner on.

"I said you don't need that." She repeated herself.

I looked at her through the mirror with an eyebrow raised.

She shrugged and left me.


"Camila Cabello you're under arrest for breaking in." The cop said cuffing Camila's hands.

She was about to yell, but thankfully, the cops pushed her out of my office.

"We're going to go now." The cop said and left.

"What about Shawn fucking Mendes here?!" I yelled pissed.

"Sorry, I didn't actually do anything wrong." He said and laughed.

I was about to punch him, but Ally and Y/n held me back.

"What the fuck do you mean you didn't do anything wrong?! You almost had sex with my girl!" I shouted.

"She liked it." He shrugged and left.

I turned my head to Y/n and she was blushing and looking at the ground.

"You're mine Y/n!" I said and pulled her arm.

We left my office and we drove home.

The whole time that we were in the van, I was holding Y/n's hand.

I was not going to lose this girl.

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