Chapter Three- The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend

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Olivia ran after Mikey through the lair. "Give me back my shoes!" She yelled. "But I wanna try them on!" The orange clad turtle whined. "You and I both know you can't fit them!" She thought about that sentence a bit. "I know you can't fit them!" She rephrased. "You never know! I could be the next Cinderella!" He said, launching himself over the couch.

Olivia was getting aggrivated now. She'd been chasing him for hours and she was tired of it. Without thinking, she flipped the sofa over, temporarily forgetting her super strength for a moment. The sofa landed on the television, shattering it on impact. Olivia placed a hand over her mouth and backed away from the now obliviated T.V. "Tonight was Space Heroes night." She muttered.

"Oooooo! Someone's in trouble!" Mikey sang with a grin. Olivia growled. "This is your fault!" She yelled, leaping up and tackling him. "AH! HELP! HELP ME!" He cried. Leo and Donnie rushed in, worried looks on their faces. Donnie's eyes instantly traveled to the place where the T.V once stood and saw a smoking sofa. He screamed.

"WHAT THE SHELL, YOU GUYS! I'M NOT FIXING THIS! YOU BETTER SCRAP UP SOME CHANGE AND INVEST IN A NEW ONE!" Leo instantly rushed over to Olivia and pried her off of Mikey. "No! I'm not done! He stole my shoe and made me flip the sofa and destroy the television. I SHALL KILL HIM!!!!" Mikey took this opportunity to run away.

"Chill, Olivia. It's alright. It's not like we were going to do anything on the T.V tonight anyway." Olivia blushed. "Tonight we were going to have a Space Heroes marathon." She mumbled. Leo gasped. "I'm giving you five seconds to run." Olivia yelped and dashed away, Leo right on her heels. Donnie face palmed. Suddenly Mikey threw a water balloon at him. Donnie growled and began to chase his younger brother!

"That's what happens when you don't take my side!" He explained with a smile. April and Casey who'd just came into the room, exchanged confused glances. Suddenly Raph walked in with a passive face. Everything stopped what they were doing and turned to him. "What happened to the T.V?" He asked. "Dude, do you know there's an unconscious girl on your shoulder." Mikey whispered. Raph rolled his eyes. "Yeah, of course I do, stupid." He said.

"Um, why is she there?" Leo asked. "Cause she stole my sai." Raph explained. "And that gives you a reason to kidnap her?" Olivia inquired. "She probably has a family. Parents who worry about her and siblings who miss her." "I'm sure she doesn't. She was out past midnight, Liv. No parents do that." Raph stated. "Mine do." Casey chimed. "No one asked you Jones." Everyone except Mikey yelled in unison.

"Seriously, Raph. That's messed up." Donnie added. "Will you guys stop grilling me all the time?!" You act like your my parents! "Well, in some scenarios, we have to be." Leo explained. "I'm sick of you all telling me what to do!" Raph yelled. A groan resounded and all eyes turned toward the girl, who Raph had laid on the floor.

She sat up groggily, holding her head. Then she saw the room full of.... Mutants and people. She gasped, scrambling to her feet and holding her hands up. "Don't come any closer!" She threatened. Everyone held their hands up. "We don't wanna hurt you." Olivia said to her. The girl looked frantic. "Yeah. We just wanna help you." April added.

Mikey put his hands down and rushed towards her, going for a hug to show he was peaceful. However, the girl took it the wrong way. She turned to him and held her hands up. He flew backwards and at Leo and Olivia's feet. "Hey!" He protested. "You didn't tell us she was a mutant!" Olivia hissed. "Well I'm sorry, mom! You wouldn't let me talk." Raph yelled. The girl held up her hands and instantly, all the nearby sewage water flooded the lair. Liv, Casey, April, Mikey, Donnie, Raph, and Leo screamed as the were covered in the grimy water.

The girl took off running. "After her!" Leo called. The others wasted no time to comply. Olivia ran up the side of the wall, then lept off, landing in front of the girl. Before she could go any further, Liv grabbed her wrist, holding her so that she couldn't move. "Listen to us! We don't wanna hurt you!" "Well the way your handling me tells a different story!" The girl said, struggling.

"Well you did just sling Mikey around like a toy and try to drown us in raw sewage." Olivia explained. "Because Shredder sent you to retrieve me!" The girl said. With that, she teleported out of Olivia's grasp. "Wait! We don't work for Shredder!" Olivia called before the girl could run. "In fact, he's our arch nemesis!" The girl turned to her. "Prove it." She seethed.

Olivia sighed and pulled up her sky blue tee shirt to reveal three large stitches on her stomach. "He gave me this. I was protecting my boyfriend." The girl's eyes softened a bit. "He took me away from my family and turned me into this... Monster." Olivia chuckled. "I thought that at first too. But someone taught me otherwise. I learned that I'm.... Dangerously Beautiful as he called it." "The one with the blue mask? Is he your boyfriend?" She asked. Olivia raised a brow.

"Yeah. He is. How'd you know." The girl looked down. "I... I read your mind." Liv's eyes grew bright. "Cool!" The girl chuckled. "I'm Scar." Olivia smiled. "I'm Olivia." Scar nodded. "You... Wanna stay with us? It's safe here. Not to mention Shredder free." Olivia asked. Scar chuckled. "Yeah. That'd be nice."

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