There's More To Each Person (Part II)

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Evan held the guy by his collar and punched him square on the nose which caught himself by surprise. He never hurts anyone who touches Taylor unless he knew something was up. Why was he suddenly loosing a grip on himself? Instincts maybe?

But he wouldn't deny that he found himself extremely envious when the stranger was holding Taylor in a 'not-so-friendly' way.

"Who the hell are you to touch my... friend like that?!", he asked angrily, face palming himself when he was about to say 'girlfriend'.

"Sorry man... I just wanted to surprise her.", the stranger explained.

The voice sounded awfully familiar to Taylor. The voice belonged to someone in her past, the past she tried so hard to forget but can't seem to.

Taking off the aviators, Taylor's eyes widened as she saw the smirk and same cold eyes that she never would have wanted to see ever again.

"Well, hello there, love.", the guy said.

Evan looked between the two. The guy looked at Taylor with a smug smile. Taylor, on the other hand, looked at the guy fearfully. It was like Taylor had known something he doesn't.

"Matthew.", she said, acknowledging the stranger whose name was 'Matthew'.

"Taylor, I should have known. You've grown into a fine young woman.", Matthew said, his mysterious voice hiding his deep, reticent intentions.

"So have you.", Taylor murmured subconsciously.

"Sweetheart, I should never have left you.", Matthew said, touching a strand of Taylor's brown hair.

Evan seemed even more confused. What does this Matthew guy mean by 'left you'? How is he related to Taylor?

"You should've thought of that before you left!", Taylor spat at Matthew, making him raise his hands in surrender.

"I was young and foolish, Taylor.", Matthew said, his voice coated in deep sultry.

"Well, any reason why you came here all of a sudden?", she asked, irritated.

"Why? Can't I see my girlfriend?", Matthew said, placing his arms around Taylor's shoulder.

Something about his tone set Evan off. What did he mean by 'girlfriend'?

Ugh! So many questions to ask. So little time.

"We're not in a relationship. It's been over since three years ago.", Taylor said, evidently forgetting the existence of another person next to her.

"Don't you miss us? We're amazing! You and me? Nothing would have ever come between us.", Matthew said, his voice full of persistence.

Taylor scoffed.

"You did, actually. You came between us."

"Don't worry, honey. You'll be mine again.", Matthew said, licking his lips seductively.

Evan felt his timer ticking. He was literally angry at this guy, for some unknown reason.

"Leave, Matt!", Taylor said, pointing to the direction of the outskirts of town.

"Aw, you still call me Matt! You're still not over me, love.", Matthew said, looking directly at Taylor's brown eyes which had seemed to drive Taylor crazy on the inside.

Taylor rolled her eyes. Matthew was about right but this time, she's never letting herself fall in love with jerks over again.

"Glad to have bumped into you, Taylor.", he said, smiling smugly again.

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