A random love story of a potato

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Kpop dream of holyshiru211

It was about Wanna One's Lee Daehwi and Park Woojin! (Gosh they are just so fluffy and cute and hOT—)

In my dream, the both of them works as cafe workers. They are just so cute, I cANT— Okay, back to the story.

One day, I came across their cafe, saying, "CARAMEL MACCHIATO, HERE I COME!" (More like screamed). I walked in, walking to table number 7. Suddenly, Park Woojin came to me and asks me, "What would you like to order, beautiful miss?" I was fcking blushing that time, like, oh my god. Did he just called me beautiful? Dude, I'm just a little potato, wHY.

"O-one c-c-caramel macchiato, p-lease...", I stumbled my words. Shiteu.. "I'll tell them right away. Thanks for ordering.", he gave me his cheeky smile and walked away. I think he noticed me blushing.. Then, a sudden shadow appeared in front me. And it is, Lee Daehwi diva! "Annnyeong!", he happily waved at me and g-g-g...


"Here you go. I rose for the beautiful lady.", he winked at me before leaving away. During the day, I often visit their cafe because they are just so damn CuTE—

Then, a sudden blurry vision arose. Then, Woojin and Daehwi were in front of me standing. "Uhm... What's happening in here?" Without hesitations, Daehwi pushed Woojin aside and grabbed me by my wrist. He was dead serious, not like cheerful Daehwi.

"Daehwi-ya.. What's wr—" He turned around and kissed my lips. Dude, the touch of his lips against mine felt so real. He pulled away and whispered,

"I love you.."

*Show Time starts to play*

Then, I woke up, facing the ugly side of reality.

(Hwaiting eonnie! I love your works, especially the Bangtanarios *smirks*)

A/n: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) thank you so much dongsaeng~ so sorry if i'm becoming so inactive right now. Busy at work <3

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