Chapter 8

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"Samantha." He says, "What... how are you alive." He continues.
"More like how are you going to stay alive." I say.
"What do you mean?" He says. Now it's my turn to laugh.
"Your mother is back to kill you and this time it will be my turn to watch you die. And your brother." I say.
"My mother doesn't want to kill us she wants us to be a family." He says.
"If that's what you believe then I'll love to see your face when she finally kills you and Klaus." I say.
"What about Rebekah?" He says cockily.

I returned from dead after 24 hours and he really wants to get on my nerves. "Rebekah will be the only one I save." I say.
"Listen Samantha..." he begin when I cut him off by saying, "Don't you dare listen Samantha me. You should have listened to my tears before I died and all you did was stand there and watch." I say.

"If you have any hatred it should be with my brother." He says.
"I hate your brother as I equally hate you so, the least you could do is get on my nerves." I say. He's finally going to get what he deserves.

"Samantha I tried to save you." He says.
"Oh you tried, you didn't even move a muscle." I say.
"I know, I just froze." He says while looking down.
"You just froze more like you were frozen." I say.
"Is there any other way you can get revenge on me." He says.
"Well, I can kill Hayley." I say with a smirk.
"No, don't you dare touch her." He says.
"Oh that's so sweet Elijah getting all protective I won't touch her but I guess she don't want to touch you." I say.

He watched me get murdered cold blooded and he seriously thinks I'll get over it. "Samantha can you at least forgive me." He says. I stare at him. "Temporarily." He continues. He really is pushing my buttons. "Samantha I'm sorry." He says. At that point anger flushed through my veins and I slapped his face. "I guess I deserved that." He says.
"You do." I say.
"Samantha will you please just hear me out." He says.
"No," i say.
"I wonder what your father will say if he saw yoy like his." He says.
"Don't you dare mention my father in this." I say.

My father died 3 years later after Elijah and I got married. My dad was the best thing in my life.
"I wonder what your father will do if he sees you with Klaus." I say. Mikael always had a hatred with Klaus and Elijah had always defended Klaus.  "Now it's not your business to bring my father into this either." He says.
"Well at least my father loved me." I say.
"Well did he love you enough to put you in an arranged marriage." He says.
"Which is the biggest mistake of my life marrying you." I say while disappearing .

He just had to follow me. "Samantha I'm sorry I should've have not said that." He says.
"Yh you shouldn't." I say.
"I just want you to know that I'm deeply sorry." He says.
"Yes I know you're sorry but I don't know if I would want to forgive you." I say.
"I understand I guess your anger is mostly at me." He says.
"No, it's mostly at Klaus then you." I say.
"I understand that." He says.
"I'll make Klaus pay first than you." I say.
"Is that a joke or.." he says.
"No, I'm dead serious," I say.

He ain't getting away with this.
"You can live, Klaus can die and rot in hell." I say.
"So, what do I get apart from death." He says.
"Pain," I say and he stops dead in his track.
"What type of pain." He says.
"Just a punch since Klaus talked you into this." I say.
"I do deserve that." He says, then I turned around and punch him in his face twice causing his nose to bleed and lips to cut.
"Oh you meant now." He says.
"Of course now, you won't get away this that easily." I say.

He looks down then looks back at me. "I guess I knew that." He says.
"At times like this I thought you were better then Klaus, but you're just equally the same as him." I say.
"What if I can prove you wrong." He says.
"That will take a long time." I say.
" I kind of figured that out already." He says.
"Also, you changing my mind will take a century because I'm a really bi polar person." I say.
"At first you said you hated me as equally as Klaus what made you change your mind." He says.

"You are my husband after all." I say teasingly.
"You are my wife after all." He says playing along.
"And you know what a husband and wife do." I say.
"They make love to each other." He says.
"Yh but not here." I say.
"Also a wife wouldn't have hatred for her husband." He says.
"Elijah please don't kill the mood." I say. He grabs my hand and leads me inside some hotel room.
"Would my wife want to make love to her husband." He says.
"Well I wouldn't be a true wife if I didn't say yes." I say.

Our lips attach and our kiss was filled with passion. We take off each others clothes, his hands roam my body then he finally puts him self in side me. Now it's my turn for my plan to get started. So far it's starting off well. It's really embarrassing to say this is the 1st time we have made love to each other even in our honeymoon we didn't. My plan will be revealed through time but for now the 1st part is to earn Elijah's trust. This plan will succeed if I don't fall for Elijah and if he don't find out.

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