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"Please..." His voice was soft as he used his hands to grip hold of her waist, pushing her against the bed with such force that is surprised them both.

"A-Are you sure?" Sanaa found herself gasping at the feel of his lips now latched ever so delicately, trailing kisses along her neck. It was almost as if his mind wasn't in control over what his body was doing. "You're so beautiful..." He whispered, now standing in between her parted legs, his heart racing as he took time to take in every feature of her in great detail. Almost as if he was trying to commit everything to photographic memory, too afraid that he might be dreaming. From the arch of her perfectly shaped eyebrows to her plump lips, soft and delicate to the touch, to the faded scar that adorned the right side of her lower chin, finally resting on her wavy chocolate tresses secured in a low ponytail from the black elastic hair tie she wore.

With his eyes never leaving hers, he slowly unraveled the hair tie so her hair could tumble freely down her shoulders and he couldn't help but gaze in amazement. "I, I..." He struggled to speak now, watching Sanaa in a daze. She knew what he was trying to say. Because she had felt it too. He wanted her.

"Sanaa, is it wrong...to feel like this?" He started while she took time to remove the white blouse from her shoulders, leaving her only in her lavender lace bra. Immediately his eyes traveled and he swallowed nervously, his hands tightening their grip on her thighs. "What are you feeling right now Prince?" Her voice was calm and he closed his eyes briefly, trying to focus on the right choice of words. "I feel..." He started, licking his lips, watching as she slowly leaned back against the hotel bed on her back. I feel like this is wrong....but oh so right. No, I can't, we can't. Immediately Prince shook his head of such thoughts racing through his mind and he started backing away from her.

"This isn't right... you're f-forbidden fruit" Prince had spoken before the he could even stop the words from coming out and his cheeks reddened even warmer. Sitting up in the bed, Sanaa had to giggle at the remark. She wondered exactly where he had perhaps heard that term from.

"When do you...turn eighteen again?"

"J-June 7th" he responded quietly, his vision still locked on the carpet. "Come here..." She demanded softly but he shook his head feverishly, trying desperately to focus on anything other than the breathtaking beauty that layed before him. Pouting cutely, Sanaa got up and took a few steps towards where he stood, grabbing him by the waistband of his jeans. "W-Why...why does he hate m-me?" He mumbled against her lips and she halted her previous movement.

"Why doesn't he love me anymore San?" His voice had cracked, the desperate look in his hazel orbs shattered her heart. It had reminded her so much of a precious child, the way he was looking at her right now, the tears forming in his eyes once more. "He, he didn't use to be like that. He use to be so loving. I just wanted to make him p-proud and I can't...I can't even-" Prince's shoulders slumped over as he let the cries take over. He couldn't even finish his sentence and Sanaa pulled her into her embrace, rubbing his back. "Shhh honey relax..." She whispered in his ear, kissing his cheeks and forehead as she began to sway them back and forth and he buried his face in the crook of her neck, clinging on there her as if his life had depended on it.

"I'm proud of you..." She heard him say as she placed her hands along his tear stained face and he gave a shy smile, reluctantly meeting with her gaze. "What do you do... when you want something so bad, but you know in your heart you can't have them?" He had found the courage to finally ask and she sighed, no knowing exactly how to answer his question. Before she tried to open​ her mouth to reply his lips had already locked with hers in a gentle sweet kiss. Sanaa had snaked her arms around his neck, letting her finger tips get tangled in his hair and he groaned softly in her mouth before hooking his arms around her legs, swiftly lifting her up against his chest which startled her.

Smirking a little through their kiss, Prince leaned her body gently across the bed before quickly hovering over her, sitting on top of her firm thighs.
It was at that moment, the question he had been dying to ask popped into his mind.

"What's a clitoris?"

Sanaa's face had gone blank for a few seconds and immediately he regretted asking such a question, feeling incredibly stupid. His hand latched to the back of his neck while he tried to stutter out an apology. "I'm so-sorry I shouldn't have-" he cut his sentence off before noticing her lips twisting into a smile, a look of amusement dancing behind her oval orbs. "A clitoris?" She repeated, the laughter evident in her light tone and he nodded a little too eagerly which only made her laugh harder. "I remembered my dad saying something about it when I was younger...he had said it's like a gutiar string when you pluck it?"  He spoke again and Sanaa nodded. "Well, It's the most pleasurable place for a woman, baby..." Prince gave a slow nod in understanding as he let his left hand gently cup the crotch of her jeans causing her to intake a sharp breath.

With his attention solely focused on his left hand, he watch silently in caution but also slight awe, waiting patiently for Sanaa's reaction. "Move you hand..." She encouraged and he obeyed, going in a slow circular motion with his palms against her crotch before letting his thumb slide forward, applying extra pressure. Instantly her mouth had fell open and a delicious moan erupted from her throat which caused him to genuinely grin, his heart swelling with emotion. "Is, is that your clit Chestnut?" His lips spoke, brushing against her ear lobe, his voice slightly going lower at the sound of her new nickname and she nodded, using his other hand to help her undo her jeans.

Aww snap now!!! 😱😱😱 Holy Purple Rain Jesus 😩😭 Y'all think San and P are really about to finally do it?? Or is something/someone gonna stop them...👀 Definitely stay tuned!!! 💜💜💜🎉

-Natty 🌸

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