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The sight of the explosion came into view. It was bigger than they had made it seem on television, and you could smell the ashes caught in the air.
I did this...
It probably wasn't the best idea for me to be out right at the scene with the whole community now searching for me, but I didn't care.
Maybe I deserve to get caught.
I thought about Bo, and about what was happening to him at that moment. I pictured him in a cell somewhere, maybe being experimented on, questioned, tortured.
I shuddered at the idea.
No. No one would ever deserve that.
I sensed a calm energy near where my old house once stood.
Peter was sitting on the curb, headphones clamped over his head, undoubtedly waiting for me.
How did he know I'd come here?
I stood and just watched him for a while, thinking about when I first saw him in the same position, sitting on the front steps of the school. He saw me when nobody else did. He was the only one who ever really saw me, every piece of me.
When I was on my own I thought going unnoticed would be the best way to protect myself, to protect others from what I was.
I took another glance at the gaping crater in the ground.
I'm still not quite sure what I am.
I walked over to Peter and sat down on the curb next to him. He slid his headphones down to hang around his neck.
"Hey," he said.
The corner of my mouth bent into a smile and I shook my head as I replied,
"No, thanks."
It was quiet until he stated,
"I love you."
I felt tears weld up behind my eyes,
"I'm scared, Peter."
They began to stream down my face,
"I'm scared that they'll find you when they find me and then take you away too. Or even worse, I'm scared that one day I won't be able to control myself again and I'll hurt you."
Peter wrapped his arms tightly around my waist, his cool and loving energy completely surrounding me.
"You not going to hurt me."
"How do you know?"
"I just know."
Usually Peter's energy is enough to calm the anxiety at the pit of my stomach, but when he pulled away and it was still there that's when I knew.

That's when I knew I had to leave.
It was the only way to protect him.

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