1. The Devil Wears Magenta

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"What are you gonna do?"

My left eye twitched as the excruciatingly annoying sounds of chips being mechanically masticated escaped from my roommate's mouth. She lay there, stomach flat on the mattress of my bed, shoving handfuls of Doritos down her mouth, littering my room of a million shredded crumbs and small-orange cheese particles.
"May, could you eat that somewhere else? Preferably not in my room, or on my bed?" I scrunched up my nose and threw a pillow at her as she revealed the orange mush mixed with saliva in her mouth. "May! Gross!"

She removed the pillow, choking up on her laughter. Once she regained her composure, she sat upright on the edge of the bed, rummaging her hand through the bag for the 'cheesiest Doritos'. "You don't know how fun it is to annoy you."
I stuck me tongue out at her as she innocently shoved her large, black-rimmed glasses up the bridge of her nose. Shaking my head, I grabbed an outfit combo out of my closet, throwing the articles of clothing onto the bed and laying them out to examine. I tucked a tray strand of hair behind my ear, rubbing my jaw in contemplation.

May flopped onto her back, dangling her legs over the edge of my bed, finally giving the bag of chips a rest on the beige carpeted floor. "So...back to my earlier question. What are you gonna do?"

"Well, if you want to know the answer to that question, you could help me pick out an outfit for my fist official meeting tomorrow." I fidgeted my gaze between the two combinations--the one lying on the bed and the one draped on a hanger against the back of my rooms door.

"Hmm," May propped her elbow up, resting her temple on her fisted hand whilst chewing on her lip thoughtfully. "I think the black jumpsuit could pair nicely with the bright pink floor-length cardigan. Ooh and wear that green cashmere scarf."

I stared at her, befuddled. "May, I think you've set the world record for 'worst fashion advisor of the century'."

"Well, you could just as easily set that record yourself," I gaped at her. She chortled. "Pah-lease, you cannot seriously be surprised to hear that."

I sighed heavily, plopping down onto the plush bed besides her. I rolled my eyes. "Fine. I guess your partially right, but I think that I'm pretty decent when it comes to fashion."

May giggled. "Alright. I'll let you have that." She sighed, running her hand along the blanket's material on my bed, creating streaks of dark blue that contrasted against the original navy blue colour. "Are you nervous about tomorrow?"

I chewed on my bottom lip, my stomach churning in anxiousness. "It is the fist meeting I'll ever be attending--I'll get to experience the atmosphere that comes with all of the most successful business tycoons being muddled into a single room. But still--I don't even have the right to be that nervous."

May emanated an unusual sound from her throat--one that was meant to show her agreement with my point. "Taking foot-notes and writing down memos that don't even have the slightest chance of being acknowledged can't be something you would break a hard sweat for."

"And if that isn't already enough to put my current occupational standing down the toilet, the CEO's Assistant's mere greeting could kill me in cold blood." I shook my head in disbelief, "I mean, all she did was hand me a pen and notepad then ordered me to play as her human recorder during the next upcoming meeting!"

"So your gonna play as her pawn until you meet your real boss?"

I let myself fall back onto the bed, causing the headboard to painfully screech. "Yup. I tried being professional and genuinely polite, but all she does is walk around with magenta coloured stilettos and tight pencil skirts."

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